Hay una gran diversidad en la polbacion del Caribe hispano, con personas de origen europeo o indigena, y un numero importante de negros y mulatos. Le presencia de varias culturas en el Caribe se refleja en la lengua, la comida, la musica y las practicas religioso-paganas de algunos miembros de su polbacion.
What youre saying is cplloetemy true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I also love the images you put in here. They fit so well with what youre trying to say. Im sure youll reach so many people with what youve got to say.
Elin Hay una gran diversidad en la polbacion del Caribe hispano, con personas de origen europeo o indigena, y un numero importante de negros y mulatos. Le presencia de varias culturas en el Caribe se refleja en la lengua, la comida, la musica y las practicas religioso-paganas de algunos miembros de su polbacion.
Ebi What youre saying is cplloetemy true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I also love the images you put in here. They fit so well with what youre trying to say. Im sure youll reach so many people with what youve got to say.