Carmen's Adventure
Date: 11th June 2011
Place: Mui Ne
Weather: hot again J
It was an early start for the bus today from Da Lat to Mui Ne. Of course we sorted out our breakfast and lunch before rushing off to get on the mini bus that was picking us up from outside the hotel. We thought this was taking us to a coach like they normally do, but after an hour and once we were well outside the city we gave up on this hope and accepted that we were on this super rickety little mini bus for the full journey.
The views around DaLat are awesome but it was hard to take them in properly because of the bumpy journey. It wasn't a long journey; we were there by 1pm after leaving at 7.30am ish. When we arrived in Mui Ne we stopped outside Mui Ne Backpackers where a rep style guy called Jamie got on the bus and said has anyone got a reservation. I had emailed him at midnight the night before just on the off chance he would get it and he had and he said there was a room reserved for us J. We could only stay on one condition though; that we were going out with the whole hostel that night for dinner and drinks, I like this place already J
Whilst we were checking in we noticed there was a trip to the Sand Dunes and Fairy Stream at 2pm so we decided we would get on it straight away. It was an awesome trip. First stop was the white sand dunes. We hired quad bikes there and it was such great fun except that mine broke down half way through the 'desert' but got another one which was pink, yey!
We also got some plastic sheets to go sandboarding. That is an art in itself. You have to dig a little hole at the top of the hill and put your board in it then sit on it, lift the front right up and wiggle yourself to start. Really good fun.
We were late back to our guide in the jeep by half an hour but he was fine and just laughed about it. Next stop was the red sand dunes which were terrible compared to the white ones. The white ones had been beautiful with hardly any people on them but the red ones were absolutely packed with people which took away its beauty.
The driver then took us to a fishing village where we were going to stop and wait for the sunset by the beach but it would have taken too long. So we went straight to the fairy stream; don't ask me why its called this. There aren't any fairys! It's a very shallow stream though that you walk through and there are lots of red sand stones all around it. A guy that was on our trip rode an Ostrich a long the way which looked like fun.
When we got back Jamie was putting a sign up saying that if you didn't show up to come to dinner $2 would be charged to your bill because he had to turn so many people down for staying at the hostel. We got ready and met everyone down in the common room at 7.30pm. Jamie couldn't work out how we were going to get everyone on the bus because there were about 64 of us all in total. I came up with the idea of all the girls sitting on the guys laps, so the guys were told to get on the bus first and then we all got on. It was so squashed but so funny!
Whilst on the bus Jamie asked if anyone wanted to do the Burger Challenge at Phat Burger where we were going for dinner. The rules were you had a 1/2kg burger and a bowl of chips that the guys had 20 minutes to eat it all in and the girls could share it between 2 and have half the time. If you finish it all in the time given you get the burger for free and then unlimited free beer and free drinks in the other bars. A girl called Niggi said she would do it if someone would do it with her. I wouldn't dareconsider it, not even the free alcohol was swaying me, but I knew a girl who could, so I shouted to Lucy, and she just smiled and shouted "I'll do it" (this girl can eat)
When we saw the size of the burger come out though she was nervous! It wasn't just a 1/2kg burger in a huge bun, it was also filled with fried eggs, bacon and loads more. Lucy and Niggi had it all sussed and made a plan on how they were going to tackle this beast of a burger. First they would squash the burger right down so that it was easier to fit in their mouths. Next they cut the burger in quarters so that they could hold it with one hand and put chips in their mouth with the other. There was also a small bottle of water between them in case they needed to wash anything down.
Then the time began!! Everyone was standing around watching 2 pairs of girls and one guy going at their burgers. The girls were powering through it! The challenge was completed in 8 minutes and 7 seconds. About 2 minutes under the previous record! Well done girls!
Lucy felt sick, so the Free beers at the time did not seem like a good idea, so I made her get her beers and give them to me, heheh. Then she got a free bucket at the next place but she was still full so I "had" to drink most of it!
I once again got extremely drunk and apparently threw up all over the DJ Set (I don't remember)
We were going home and Lucy got some help from 2 girls we had met that day. I think they must have been a bit drunk too because when the motorbike drivers started hassling us trying to get us on the back of their bikes they were going to put me on one! But thankfully Lucy managed to persuade them it was a bad idea, I was out of it so don't remember any of this. I managed to get to bed without to many injuries.
Date: 12th June 2011
Place: Mui Ne
Weather: hot and sunny J
We woke up pretty late today and I even stayed in my clothes from the night before because I was feeling too lazy to change. We went to have breakfast next door.
A new girl came into our dorm and was telling us she had booked some flights to Borneo so we decided we would get on it straight away since that's where we wanted to go so we spent a little while doing some research on the cheapest ways to get there. We did that for an hour ish and then went over the road to a spa with the girls from the night before where they were going to get a package deal of a manicure, pedicure, massage and facial for $16, the deal was too good to miss, so I decided id treat myself too.
We met a lot of people down in the common room again but tonight it wasn't as many people. We only head next door for a meal and then went down the road where a few people watched live music and some of us watched the Hangover 2,again!
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