hey!! well guess what i did this morning.....a sky dive!!! woooo and i'm still alive!!! it was sensational and i loved every second of it!! hell yeah!
ok since joining the kiwi hop on hop off bus i've been having fun, i've done the odd small walk here and there taking in the scenery, i've been to mercury bay (where i got to see beautiful beaches also went to hot beach and you dig a hole and then the hole fills with really hot thermal water...i mean almost boiling!), rotorua, which smelly eggy due to sulphur from all the geysers and geothermal parks (which i visited one of) and also went to the maori village to get a true maori experience. as we arrived we were greeted as though we were visitors who potentially wanted to invade Nz like back in the day, so via a ceremony where the maori warriors perform scary war like moves, throwing fire, chanting and hitting their muscles we said we were coming in peace and our chief had to touch nose and foreheads with the warrior twice (any more times=marriage!). we were then allowed into the village where we witnessed a performance of the haka, other dances and a traditional love song. it was terrific and seeing the haka performed was a highlight for me, quite intimidating and so much strength used within their movements!
next we headed to waitomo (maori for waterhole!) and i went toobing..... essentially is sitting on a rubber tyre and floating through caves and looking at glow worms!! the glow worms are beautiful and was like looking at a caves' milky way of stars while floating along on water! had to do a few waterfall jumps which added some adventure into the mix. was really good fun! oh and facts... glow worms are actually maggots (i wonder why they name them worms...which sounds more appealing??!! um!) and they glow when they are excreting which also is used to attract their prey! clever hey?!
today travelled to taupo and did a skydive from 15000ft!!! was so much fun, got a dvd, photos and t-shirt too!!! views were amazing and freefall was lots of fun and then as soon as the parachute is released you feel as though you are just suspended hanging around in midair! really was ace!! loved it loved it loved it!
x x x x
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