I came up with the brilliant idea of navigating, not one of my strong suits but I can get the job done. Only 20 minutes of detour time. Peaceful river camp ground was our stop - little did we know, our relatively skinny trailer, could not skim past the trees, although the people were helpful we left anyways. Set out sails again for another destination. A pullout on the side of the highway seemed good enough for us, no hookups but the weather wasn't terrible, humid, and hot but lush and green. We ate, took naps, and played games before dad and cole "try" to scale a wall full of brittle shale across the highway. They yell over to us this is fun, come over, so as we come to find out what was so "fun" we see hundreds of rocks skimming down the layers of the mountain. Chucking rocks from the bottom of the canyon to the top is a workout and something we have never done before, layers upon layers of rocks clattered on the ground, we had to dodge them and sometimes step on the highway for a clearing. Took some of our favorite pieces with us and set out the next morning for Virginia.
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