Scott, your denigration of the satrwofe is misplaced. You should be looking to your laptop as the culprit. I have run Streets and Trips on a variety of laptops, using different OS's. Windows XP. Windows 7 Professional. And am now using it on my Acer netbook that runs on Windows 7 Starter. Not a robust system but work fine. I would suggest you look closer at your laptop for the solution to your S & T problem, not the satrwofe.
Alexandre Scott, your denigration of the satrwofe is misplaced. You should be looking to your laptop as the culprit. I have run Streets and Trips on a variety of laptops, using different OS's. Windows XP. Windows 7 Professional. And am now using it on my Acer netbook that runs on Windows 7 Starter. Not a robust system but work fine. I would suggest you look closer at your laptop for the solution to your S & T problem, not the satrwofe.