Our flight got in 20 minutes early to Gatwick. We got off and met up again and headed off to get our bags. Gatwick airport charged £1 or 1 euro for a luggage trolley, which we definitely didn’t have. We haven’t spent £s since October 2012! Carrying our bags we found the train station, we got there early and tried to see if we could get on an earlier train but it wasn’t possibe so we waited for our train to Victoria at 11.41am. When it came we got on and found seats. The journey wasn't too long before we were getting off and heading for the tube station at Victoria which would take us all the way to Walthamstow. We were expecting it to be a lot busier than it was seen as it was bank holiday Sunday but we managed to get a seat after the first stop. We got a taxi straight from the tube station to Oise and Michael’s. Just as we were pulling into their road they were heading over the road to catch the bus. We got out there and said Hi and their bus came. They were at a party this afternoon so they’d left the keys for us to find. We got to theirs where we got the keys and let ourselves in, Oise had left sandwiches for us which we happily ate. We then got showers and got some sleep. We were woken by Oise at 7.00pm with a drink. We got ourselves sorted and sat with them outside and chatted. Oise had made a lovely tea which we ate and they surprised us with a small wedding cake and some fizz. We had a great time catching up and telling our stories. That’s it, all we’ve got left to do now is make our way back to Bridlington on Tuesday, find jobs and somewhere to live.
This is now a whole new adventure!
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