It's been four weeks since we've been back, and we thought we'd dust off our trusty typewriter and put up one final blog entry to summarize our learnings that underpin our overarching principles and, going forward, to leverage off our strengths into the future.
Well, it's good to be home. If we learned one thing while we were away, it's that New Zealand is by far the best place to live. It has a fantastic lifestyle, awesome people, great outdoors and lots more. To be fair though, it does have its problems, like the daft right-hand turning rule, but hey, if it was perfect then everyone would be here and we wouldn't want that.
It's hard for us to pick our favourite country, as each one we visited had its own charm that made it special and separated it from the others. We both loved meeting friends and family and particularly enjoyed visiting Ireland and the Netherlands where some of our roots lie.
Here are some numbers for those that like them (who doesn't?):
- We drove 7000 km in Europe
- Our road trip was 34 nights long with 29 in a tent, which we set up and tore down 18 times
- We visited 15 "countries", including the retarded ones like Liechtenstein, Monaco and the Vatican
- 7500 photos taken, 5000 worthy of keeping and a good few worthy of printing out big
- 60 hours spent on a plane, 30 hours waiting at airports and we each watched 15 movies
- 100 aftershocks felt, none of them real
- 62 blog entries written (no wait, make that 63)
- 1 awesome adventure for two lucky people
And that's it! We hope you enjoyed sharing our adventure with us. So tot ziens, auf wiedersehen, au revior, ciao and goodbye from Bee & BA.
- comments
Dad b Great to have you home. We missed you.
aunty margareth I don't dare to ask but the foto that is worth printing out BIG is one taken in Schoonebeek where I am in. I give you permission to print it !!!!!
Mum B What a great adventure for you both & memories that are with you for a lifetime. Wonderful to have you home.
Gwen I for one have LOVED being a part of your wonderful adventure. It is probably the closest I will ever get to some of those far off places. Great to have you home though :-)