Hi there -forgot to tell you - found your beanie - it was down behind the clothes basket in the bedroom- must have fallen down when you were re-packing.
How are you guys faring in the wet? Heard that there's been a second typhoon. We're back from the northern trip. Talk soon. Love Dad & Sandra
Hey guys. Love the photos.
Talk again soon. I am back from the
luv mum xoxoxo
Melissa Burton
Love your Blog! Awesome way to keep up with your adventures and photos. Take care.
Love Melissa
Jenny Pepper
Hi Guys! got a real laugh out of your adventures in Kakadu..great to see where your living...keep up the blog! Best Wishes Jenny & Brian
Hi guys. Really enjoyed the blogs and photos .... so much in only five days! Imagine a year or so, we can't wait!
Glad you're having :-)
Love you Mum and Ian
Dad And Sandra
Hey there. Happy birthday Brenden. Hope you are having a great day. Tried to call but don't know if your mobile works there or not. Give us some phone numbers that we can get you on.
Talk Soon. Love Dad and Sandra
Have fun b****es!! Stay away from the ladyboys Brendan!!!