Finally home. Last night I laid in bed with a smile on my face and took a deep breath: I had done it. I had successfully completed one semester of study in a foreign country. It felt good - more so to be in my own bed, but yes, I felt accomplished. I can and did do it. I was hoping that when I woke this morning my cough would magically disappear, yeah no. So with a cough, feeling extremely exhausted still, and with shoulder and arm soreness I tried to clean and organize everything but made little progress. I just did not have the energy. Maybe tomorrow. Only four weeks until I have to move back to Central, what a quick summer vacation. So much to do until then, like getting a valid driver's license since it expired way back in April. It's so weird being back. With it being summer, I feel like I missed something, well I did, it's called spring. The smells, wearing the clothes, it all doesn't make sense yet.
Favorite Quotes I've Heard in the Past Few Days:
"People choose to be homeless."
"I don't believe we are racist."
"You're the only white person I can stand in Scott Annex, and you're not even Australian."
Australian Nicknames:
Sdrawkcab = Backwards
Motorists drive on the left side of the road
Light switches in the "up" position are off, and on in the "down" position (on another note: all electrical outlets have an "on off" switch)
Muffins, doughnuts, and pancakes are served for desert
Paper, Scissors, Rock = Rock, Paper, Scissors
bj2bender (LaTrobe username) = bende2bj (Central username)
16 March 2010 = March 16, 2010 (my visa was rejected the first time I submitted it because I didn't write my birthday backwards like they do it)
Toyota - very popular car brand in Australia = not so much in the States…
Winter time here in Australia = Summer time back in the States
Everyone uses prepaid mobile phones = I don't know a single person using a prepaid cell phone in the States
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