Hej, Very nice that you got tickets to Beijing. Emma - cool down and dont be so angry. Good luck on your trip to China....Now im sitting i Gerds house in Vänersborg and will go back to Kinna soon. Best regards from Alf
Vi ar i Vietnam. Resan ser ut att ha fixat sig till slut. Sa som det ser ut nu sa har vi biljetter hela vagen hem igen!
Kram Emma
Hallå kompisar....Var e ni??
Alf Emmas Dad
Hello , i hope you get your traintickets or you fix the trip to China with fly??? I know that there is many Chines who wants to go the same way like you......
I have only 3 skidays left and than i go home for work. best snow regards from Alf
Hate you both for being on holiday such a long time. Still, hope you're having a brilliant time.
Went to a concert here on Friday night (Chayanne). O.K. for Lanzarote.
Quaver sends lots of licks,
Luv, Laura.
Martin's Mum And Dad
Hello Martin & Emma,
I keep looking at your photos & thinking "We've got one the same as that". The prison in Phnom Penh was a real shock wasn't it?
Dad's left for Gran Canaria today (even though it's blowing a gale) 3 old fogies & Annie! Annie's flying back on Monday & the rest of them are planning to spend 2 weeks getting to La Gomera where they'll leave the boat.
Again Laura sends her love, she's been busy with break ins, police & court etc! All in a day's work.
Alf Emmas Dad
Hello ! its nice to read your new experince in Laos and Cambodja. Me, Linda, Mathilda and my sister Gun has a good time in Sälen. i have been going 110 km on skii in 5 days and it feel better for every day. Vasaloppet Öppet spår is on 24 febr so i train for this 90 km long distance. Linda and Mathilda have a good time and go downhill and just now to After Skii. Im sitting in a church i Tandadalen. Have a realy good time on therest of you trip. We hope that wheather is getting better in China. Yesterday they have a happy new year. Kramar från Alf och de andra
hi hi Heidi har lart sig att anvanda sig av msg board, det va pa tiden det. Jag saknar dig ocksa massa!! jag vill inte hem an. puss o kram
Congratulations on getting to Siem Reap, well done Emma for getting on the plane! Been really enjoying reading about your adventures, especially nice to hear about profound effect Laos had on you. I'm sure there's lots more of that kind of experience to come, enjoy every minute! Good luck in Cambodia, look forward to your tales. Great photo of you and the beer bottle Martin and Get Well Soon Emma.
hej hej mina små grisar saknar dig som fan drömde om dig inatt o du ville hem. hoppas ni har de bra kjam kom hem nu
Martin's Mum And Dad
Hi both,
Glad to hear your trip's all going smoothly & to plan (famous last words)! Don't get complacent as Cambodia is a bit different from Laos re. safety etc.
Carnival here today so everything's working at half speed all this week.
love, mum & dad.
We're in Siem Reap now - I actually managed to get Emma into a propellor Laos Airlines plane from Pakse here. Got here this morning, done all the temples today and going to Phnom Penh tomorrow. Emma's feeling sorry for herself with a bit of a fever, but otherwise all is good. Just had dinner in a place where they spoke about 20 words in English. Thought I'd try my Cambodian language skills and explain with the use of the globe where we came from. It was a kinda short conversation because our waitress didn't realize the world was round!!!