Hey B RENT!! Haloween is coming, it just won't be the same without you here! Miss ya!
Hi Brent, Sorry I missed you the other night. I wish Dad had awakened me. Glad to hear that you are having a good time .Take care. We talk about you often LOve you MOm
Go Flames
Greg Lendvay
I miss you so much!!! I cried myself to sleep last night.
Mom & Dad
Heh! Brent, where are you? I know you are in South Korea someplace. We want to hear from you to know that you are well. Just drop us a line when you get the chance.We are well Keeping busy with the usual. I think I told you that I will be teaching until Christmas. Love you and think of you so often. Mom
Uncle Denis & Joanne
Happy Thanksgiving !! Was at your Mom & Dad's for a yummy turkey dinner yesterday..Will keep following your blog..safe travels & have fun !!
Diane Dugas Doiron
Bonjour, juste un petit mot pour te dire que tu vois et visite des beaux endroits. Tu pourrais devenir agent touristique !!! Bonne chance dans ton voyage.
Greg Lendvay
HEY B RENT! Glad to see you are having fun, and so many of the same memories, including freezing my ass off on Fyji. All is well with the family and Beckett is saying more each day! Marti is doing well. Keep in touch. I just put skype on the ipad.
Take Care Greg Marti and Beckett
Hey Brother, just checking in to say hey! Hope all is good and you're having fun. Its strange not being able to pick the phone up and call you but it's not for long. Cheers!
Diane Dugas Doiron
On peut pas vraiment dire que tu es beau avec les cheveux dans les airs. Hahahahaha!
may the force be with you
Wow, Brent, this is very very exciting. I will definitely check in from time to time to see 'sup and how you're doing. What a great itinerary! I wish you all the best.
Godspeed, Jaye