Hi Kids, Glad you arrived safely and are enjoying yourselves. I guess they didn't take the bribe and keep you in Alcastras for crimes against your bedroom, which took ages to clean. Same about the tan lines but Im sure you'll sort that out. Really looking forward to seeing the pics, love from everyone at home xxx
hiya u 2 ,glad ur both ok,cant believe ur doing alkatraz in the dark-how scary is that going 2 be! mush says hi,bailey says woof,ellis is having his haircut,but will get in touch soon&i just want 2 be there.... talk to u both soon X x X x
Amy B
Hey you two, sounds like your having fun. Hope the biker bouncer bloke didn't give you to much trouble. Have fun and where's the pic's - Show me what I'm missing
Love to you both B xx
Hi guys, glad you arrived safely sounds like your having a whale of a time, i'm so jealous!! keep us updated. have fun xx
Glad you got there save & sound, I find a sharp dig usually sorts the snoring out... More importantly have you brought your straighteners with you??
hey, enjoy San Fransisco - the bike ride across the bridge is well worth it - the downhill on the otherside will make your eyes water. Everyone you are sharing with is probably in the same situation as you guys - some travel alone and will chat the proverbials off you!
Have fun, be safe
Sian Davis
Im sure you'll get used to sharing a room soon enough! EVeryone is in the same situation!! ;-)
Can't wait to see you in Sydney!!
Glad your having fun!!
Hey you guys,
Glad to hear you got there safely. Must say I would rather be with you in San Francisco now rather than Bletchley boo hoo.