Hiya everyone, hope you have all enjoyed our blog.. sorry we havent been top knotch at updating but its hard to remember when you're havin the time of your life. Which is what we have been doing we are all very sad today me and rach are headin home in the early hours of this morning and we are leaving mieke behind she is goin to be movin to New Zealand with Stu and see how she likes it... we're all growing up BOO HOO And we are gona be leavin our favouriest girls in the world our amazing freinds mel and laura who we have now spent 24-7 with for 2 whole months and we have never laughed this much!! there are gona be tears tonight!!!!!!!
Right since we last updated we have done some fun things, some crazy things and some chilling in the beautiful weather!!! Erm thin it was magnetic island rach last left you so i will do my best to remember everythin but i doubt that will happen!
ok so magnetic island was absoultely boiling and beautiful but ws quite boring so both nights we were in bed by 9pm i think hehe! we went kayaking and mieke fell in hehehe it was very funny and we all sang alot and rowed over to the shark bait net which rach didnt like much. but apart from that not much to report. Then we went to Mission Beach and stayed in the cutest nicest hstel which was family run and was there last night takin boarders and we had to take our shoes and watched films all night on the couches thenm Rach andf Laura were action barbies yet again and threw themselves out of a plane at 14000feet! hehehe now we've all done it woop we rock! oh and there was a pool with a crocodile in it(plastic) and rach became steve irwin for the night and jumped in fully clothed and wrestled it and saved all our lives hehehehehehe!!
Then we came to Cairns and because we are amazing at sweet talkin people managed to wangle a huge room with a tv and ensuite to ourselves hehehehehe for the same price as a dorm so our last 4 nights in oz are in luxury and in our own company! yey. cairns is fab and we could easily spenmd more time here but sadly we have to come home. we all went on a day cruise out to the great barrier reef and experienced the worst seasickness in the word so just lay and sunbathed the whole way out then we all snorkelled and saw a reef shark, turtles, nemos and baby nemos, erm sting rays and loads of other cool stuff! that was really good and so was the food so made up for the bad waves and sickness! LOL.
We also went up to cape tribulatioon and saw the place were steve irwin died eeek! and we went on a croc cruise and saw real life crocs!!! aaaargh. Was amazing!!
So altogether we have had such an amzing time we will update the fotos when we get back incase we dont get to show u all in person haha. Running out of credit so i will love you and leave you and see you all in 2 days yey!!!!! off for a meal nowe and a last boogie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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