8.30 departure for Niagara falls tour. Set off in small van, about 80 mins to first stop, local vineyard for wine tasting. Andrea and Jill buy 4 bottles for train journey (in the room drinking). Currently sat in a pastry shop (Pam wants particular attention drawn to her amazing sour cherry danish!) in Niagara by the lake, heading off to the falls in 20 mins. Niagara on the Lake wasn't the most exciting town. Very quiet and sleepy, had a strange feel to it, almost like a film set rather than a real place.
Falls really good. Went on the Maid on the Mist boat tour, which takes you right up close to both the American and Horseshoe falls. You get pretty wet but well worth it. Highlight of the trip so far.
14.30 Pam is on her 3rd Danish of the day, this one an apple Danish.
Back at hotel, a well earned drink. Onto train at 10pm tonight. No Internet but hoping to keep blog updated by publishing when we are at stations. If not see you in Jasper, blog fans. By the way all comments greatly received! N
- comments
Paul Loving the ponchos - very fetching! A danish a day, or three or four - why not!
Jo Sounds like you are having a fab time ! Pam steady on those Danish - can't afford a re-inforced chair when you get back xxx. Have fun on the train x
Drew I'm guessing the stations haven't got wifi cos if my calculations are correct it's now Fri 8th Sept. We've missed a day! Could I suggest you put a map of Canada on this blog somehow.