Your on your way now and we look forward to seeing photo's and getting updates. Take care and kick some butt too, love from us all, xoxoxo
Lisa, Ava, Brianna & Ramon
Way to go Mary! The girls and I will be checking back often to see your progress and any new photos. Hope your adventure is as wonderful as you are.
Lots of love from all of us!!
Hi Mary ,have a safe ride and enjoy your trip.miss you much love. Shan
Hi Sis, By now you are well on your way, day 1! Tried to call last night but you were out and time difference. Look forward to your first post and will be following you and Fran daily:) Love Ya, ride hard and stay strong!
Hi MOM! Love you soooooo much! You are off on your new adventure! Enjoy every moment as I know you will!
Everyone....she's off!
xoxo Gillian
Easier to navigate site Mary. Looking forward to some fantastic pics and commentary! Be safe dear friend.
Hi Mary. Great looking blog site!
Jean Carr
Pretty nice, Mary! AND you have an iPad? How cool is that! No excuses not sharing your thoughts, photos, your accomplishments!