Hey Bonnie, Love this web site thanks so much for setting it up for me. It makes me feel closer to you. I miss you and so does you parents. every thing is fine here cold very cold. I would like to see more pictures of you on the site turn the camera on yourself and talk to us. Love to hear your voice. GOD be with you and you are in my prayers always I LOVE YOU LIKE A DAUGHTER and I miss you LOVE DAWN
we are very proud of you at your age you have been further than I..you look happy stay that way . Hope to e-mail you more there are very wise in there elders . mom emailed also but she forgot to hit add message on the screen , she misses you very much . Bryce and all his friends have been out not as much dancing and jumping as there but they have been playing music. Iam out at the silgey's playing ping pong and put put love dad xoxo
Sergei, Sandye
Great to hear about your South Africa visa! We were holding our fingers crossed, and we are all happy it worked out all right!
Hi, Bonnie,
Great to see that you are having fun! What a wonderful adventure! Have a good time and be safe.
African Cup of Nations starts in Ghana on January 20, as you probably know. Will you be there still? It should be quite an experience.
Aunt Caryn
Glad you're safely there- Have Fun!
Aunt Caryn
I added your site to my favorites...I'm all ready for you to go exploring....be CAREFUL!!!!!