Duffy with Mercy is No.1............told u 'twas good .....mock notthine aged parent!!! Off to boogy as it's on thr radio.
Other news much less important. Love to you all,great to get Blog from China and HK.More Photos of you please.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
From the sound of things, facebook and here etc you seem to be having a wonderful time - so happy for you! just a quick check in to send my love to you all, and to say that I hope you are staying safe and happy (I sound like a mother!)
all my love to you all, PUT SOME PHOTOS UP! Gabs xxxxx
Hello everyone we hav arriveed in hong kong in internet cafe sheltering from the drizzle outside, had delicious meal at the hong kong yacht club last night with john knox -felt very full! hostel is budget with a slight reputation but nothing we arent wary of, we r looking to change hostels after saturday night. All is well we r realy enjoying ourselves with the amny events along the way, harrassment of beggars etc, being asked to hav our photos taken wit random strangers,being blown away on the great wall by the strong wind. hope your r all well and we will keep you posted lauren, cass and steph xxx
Sally And David
Hi Lauren,
Hope you enjoyed the Great Wall - extremely cold I expect, but so spectacular. How are you finding the food or are you relying on McD! Life here is very busy - we are going to a Lintott Wedding on Saturday so we will see all the family that we haven't seen for ages. Zoe, the bride to be is the eldest of David's youngest brother Alan's children and she is expecting her first child on the 23rd April !!!! We are going to Spain in March and then back to back to Bruges with Karen and the girls on Eurostar from the new Ebsfleet Station, should be fun, bearing in mind they are ALL chocoholics!
Hong Kong must be close if you are not already there. Have a great time with your friends and all the others you meet on the way. You will come back with a huge address book to load on.
Thinking of you and fondest love, David and Sally xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Téa Robinson And Ella
lauren i'm missing you lots and lots. i hope its fun out there because if it isn't it was just a waist of money. remeber to get us presents lots for téa as it going to be her birthday
hi ya !! hope your having a gd time n the weathers nice????? get me som good cheep technoligy stuff whil ur away love ellaxxxxxxxx
I don't know how finally I found how 2 get on to this site but here I am, at last. It is 6am your time and normally you would just be getting up to go to work but instead I think you are off to the Great Wall of China, and I guess it won't be baked beans for breakfast. Have you had Peking Duck yet? Love to you all. Ha so, Ha so, Ha so(what ever that means.
Lauren's Dad
Hi Hope you all are having a great time.Gather the credit card is making it's first purchase - not bad after just 2 days !!!!
Keep in touch as and when you can,
Lots of loveXXXX
John Stanton
Hi Lauren,
Grandma & I have just returned from a very strenuous morning palying bowls. Don't laugh once we get there we have _according to my calculations anyway- to walk at least a Kilometre. I get into quite a sweat thinking about it Who said retirement was easy.
Off into Sevenaoaks to do some shopping now. This could be very painful as I am now programmed into my mean mode.
You are into very early days on your trip. Take it steady, but enjoy.
All our Love Grandma @ Pop.
Sally And David
Hello Lauren,
Well lucky you to start such an adventure. We are sure you will love all the different cultures and spectacular sights. When we saw the Great Wall we had snow on the way there, it reminded us of Dr. Shivago in a way. I am amazed that they are all staring still - they did this to us but in 1991 - as it has become so much more Westernised! How is the accommodation? or shouldn't I ask. You have it seems gone from one cold Country to another. Today we had such a heavy frost that it was on the tops of the trees. Barley od course loved it, rolling and rolling in the crispy grass.
We envy you in Beijing as this was one of our favourites in China. Thailand will be nice and warm so after the madness of Hong Kong you three will be able to chill out. I wonder if you are going to Shang-Hi as it was tiny lock up shops when we saw it, we would like to see that again.
Well enjoy every second and I will keep a watch out for any pictures you may have time to send.
All our fondest love to you Sally and David
Caroline Mumma Robinson
Hello you loverly girls,
Sure you are all getting into the swing and I'm sure there have been moments when you wanted to 'swing back home' already??....Very normal, remember each day is different and you are experiencing the mose amazing things. You have done brilliantly each of you to acheive this opportuntiy .......Enjoy it,laugh at the crap moments and savour the best.
We are all here for you,night and day,easyand hard bits....YOU three are truly wonderful and I love you all.....especially the short one!!
Smile,be happy and know love knows no time zones if you need anything.