Having returned from our hols in Hay on Wye last night I think I can confidently say it came a close second to yours! Temp 11 degrees! View gloomy! Persisting it down - constantly! Outlook dreadful! .... just booking a flight to join you!!
Enjoy and take care xx
The photos look amazing ! .. Especially love th photo of th boat .. Just shows you can't go anywhere without a reminder of me eh ?! Hahaa
Yeah .. Me and girls from back home are planning a night out on th 8th August so hopefully it should be sparkling clean by then !
Take care & missing you loads x x x x x x
Looks absolutely fantastic!!!!!!
Enjoy and take care!
Love Dad x x
Paul And Laura
Thanks everyone!
Alice dont work to hard...and check out your boat we found for you! You going to the house anytime soon, as the landlord is decorating and cleaning....RESULT!
Sandra, thanks for letting Mum know about the village fete she has met lots of locals!
Uncie...happy birthday to Benjy from us for the other day, unfortunately internet has been limited and expensive up until now! Hope he had a great day.
Nan thanks for the message, hope enjoy the photos and video.
Lena - Miss ya xxx
Paul and Laura x x x
Hey guys !!
Sounds like your having an fab time ! The beach looks amazing .. Hope there will some photos on there soon !
I did a 12hour shift today in work . . I hope your thinking of me slaving away while your relaxing in th sun !! :) Hahaa
Enjoy yourselves !! :) Lots of love x x x x x
hi you two!!
just got home from a weekend away with Harry, so catching up with all your news! sounds and looks absolutely fab. try not to do anything too energetic though it may be a shock to the system!!! take care, lots of love mum.xxxx
......forgot to mention booooooooooooze!
Great to hear from you,not sure about your accommadation though.The beach looks good. You both take care. Its Bengis birtday to day.Take care. Love you. xx
huge hug from KT
have a brilliant adventure
can i tag along as private nurse or something?
take care x x x x x x x
Jo Theyer
Otherwise wyatt known as havin a s***ter!lol have a great time and Paul u make sure u look aftér her!xx
....... the blind leading the blind!!!!!!
Good luck guys..
Soo jealous you both travelling.
Excited to see all your pictures etc
Hope you have ana amazing time loveeee x x x x x x