Hello from Tokyo and what an amazing place it is. Absolutely love it, there is so much to see and do and you spend all your time wandering around the city just sightseeing and taking photos you feel like a Japanese tourist.
The trains are so efficient, always on time and clean and civilised. I have now navigated the underground several times succesfully, despite it looking twelve time bigger and more complicated than the London Underground map.
The toilets are so fun, they warm up the seats for you, they spurt water at you (from whichever angle you like) they dry you off and then automatically flush. I will be so disappointed when I get home to not have this facility!
Have spent 5 days here now and each day have walked for an average of 10 hours, around a different region. The parks are just so beautiful with all the cherry blossom swirling around you, and all the flowers and trees arranged so perfectly. Then there are the shrines everywhere and the market stalls.
Needless to say we are so tired every night we just fall into our capsules (think mini coffins, 48 in a room, set into the wall).
The food is bizarre I have to say, we tried there delicacy sweet yesterday, jelly wrapped in flour. It tasted like Jelly wrapped in flour. Then Christie had a squid smooshy thing, with tentacles everywhere, which was very brave but I am not sure thoroughly enjoyed.
However in restaurant s they run to meet you at the door, the whole staff shouting their welcome. They bow loads and we nod back and smile and then point to something on the menu (usually they have pictures). We mainly do ok in restaurants, although had some narrow escapes with liver!
Don`t really understand half of what is going on at most times, but that is half the fun and everyone is so respectful of each other it is just a delight to go anywhere. The food is cheap, a meal costing 4 to 5 pounds, but accomodation is a bit more expensive.
We are off to the lakes tomorrow to stay in a traditional Japanese lodge near mount Fuji and then off to Kyoto, but today we are going to another market.
Lovely to hear from everyone, all my love,
Beth x x
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