Happy Birthday Joe wishing u all the best on ur special day hope u enjoy urself n get up to lots more fun .. .
he ya wee quick message as i'm in class so i bettr no get caught hehe, lucky uz goin to the beach, weather here is awful & it's supposed to be snowing again. I feel like its been winter since last year lol, are yous phoning on joe's birthday then yea :) i'll tell my aunty lou to come in about 7 ? or is tht too late ? lucky wee Jay hes away on his holidays today :L had him saturday to Monday, it was murder, we are all characters from pirates of the carribean lol as soon as he wakes up till he goes to bed :L im will turner, amy's elizabeth, grumpy, is barbosa and my mums davie jones lmao & ofcourse Jay is captain jack sparrow lol well bettr go and get some work done cuz's :-)) love yous xxxxxx
Yes I've got my old job back but with another company. . . . sounds like ur both enjoying urself which is great stuff. . . (take care of each other which I know u will) miss u n love u loads n trust me ur not miss anything here its the same old same old . . . lol.
Elaine Pluger
Hey becky and Joe. What a brilliant adventure. I haven't died my hair dark again Becks. I bought a groupon deal for £21 which was for a cut and blow with half head of foils and intensive conditioning treatment. Had it done last week. It was quite good but will never replace my personal hairdresser ha ha. Take care both if u. Love and miss u so much love mum xxxx
Joseph And Becky
Hey favourite cuz ( you no who you are lol) glad your enjoyin Colege but think your a bit to old for disney land since your haggin out with trannies. Gonna beach it up for josephs birthday we will call the house and if u could tell my ma to be there and tell us the best time to call that way we can be be on the phone longer. We will see if we can mange a kangaroo sure we will. Have a good time at Disney land lots of love your favourite cuz and the missus XXXXXXX
Your Fave Cuz (Uz Know Who I Am Hehe)
ellllo =) sorry ive not wrote but i broke the laptop AGAIN woops lol hear yous are lovin vietnam :) and stayin wae a vitneese family (if thts what they are) tht sounds minted :P well i started college 2 weeks bac and i have to say im luvvin it =) goin to Disneyland Paris with my class soon too which im mega wooped about lol i hink i luv it tht much bcos im only ther 3 days a week lol, have uz anyhin planned for joes birthday next week :) my mum let me out to town last week again but natalie was babysittin me hehe, we met too trannies we will need to send uz the pics of them they looked like pete burns lmao, well i'll come bac on later to see what uz have been upto =)
love yous lots like jelly tots xxxxxx
Joseph And Becky
Hey Louise/mum nice to see you blogging, you'll have a facebook next. Having a great time here will put the pics up soon. Say to the family including Jay Bieber. Keep on truckin xxxxxx
Becky And Joe
Hi beautifull princess Abbeygayle hope your enjoying your new school. Well bring you back the best present ever. We love and miss you lots xxxxxxxxxxx
Becky And Joseph
hey lins give sam a big kiss from us and tell him he better start talking soon so he can write us messages ha ha. hope your good and the job huntings going well miss and love you lots xxxx
Becky And Joseph
hey smelly nelly thanks for the message. were gonn put pics up when we find a good computer all the ones so far have been really slow. miss you lots talk soon xxxxxx
hi kiddywinkles was good to hear u both and you sound like u r havin a great time.get me bloggin the bit out here!ha ha.am dying to see some photos of u so hurry n get them on.things same old here n wee jay has had a full haircut,looks like richard now,thank god!hes also changed his name to jay bieber haha!well am goin to sleep now,got writers cramp!will blog again soon now am experienced.love and miss u both so much,keep on keepin on! nite nite.mum,dad and stirling moss.xxxxxxx
Hiya aunty becky n joe hope u both are happy and the weathers nice its starting to go cold here love you and miss you loads don't forget a present for your little princess he he don't worry about the boys he he he