Bec and Rach on tour
We arrived in singapore after a long flight, rachel was very brave! Quantas were so nice!!! a very nice steward gave us a few reccomendations of things to do
we checked in to our ymca hostel (pictures to follow haha) rach forgot the booking form so wre trying to ring sta in england to get it!
didnt sleep at all last night the time difference is very weird!
walked around the whole city this morning seen all the sights had a singapore sling and a portion of chips which used our whold budget for singapore, sweated alot as its soooooooooo humid here
going to go to the botanical gardens and on the night safari tommorow the sentosa island to see some pink dolphins (denise will get some pics of them for u, how cool)
keep you updated
GARETH hugh said hi hes missing u , he enjoyed his sling and nuts!
bec and rach
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