once we arrived to xian we had a really good buzz to it. we checked into are hostel which was amazing more like a hotel in class. we decided to go to the bell and drum tower these towers were built hundreds of years ago and built to keep the dragon away and any bad spirits. the drum tower had a drum the size of a truck it was huge.
the following day we went to see the terricotter woriers the worriers are a hour away from the city we got local transport to the ruins both me and lynsey were both really excited about seeing them and was fasanated at how many there was. they were still digging them up there is estimated to be over 6,000 and they were thought to be put there because the king was eitheir scared of the spirts in the next life or wanted his rain to continue. the worriers were only descufered by a farm in the 70s he was digging a well in his farm field and hit the ruin they found chambers spred over 3 pits with all the worriers standing up right.
over the next few days we meet some great people we went to the street market and tried food which still to this day we dont know what it was i had what i thought was a rice cake which turned out to taste like chewing gum. we went to a market called the bird market it was shocking the animals they were selling we in such a bad way they had at least 200 just born hamsters in a tiny box. we saw cats and puppys in cages and birds tided to a cage by there feet. this was horrible to see and just shows how much the chinesse care about animals and human life. we noticed at this point that there was never any birds in the skys we put this down to the way they eat. they eat any birds they can catch and all eat fetous which are unborn chicks eggs this mean that birds never get the chance to bread.
on the day we was leaving the hostel we was in had a cookie making class so 6 of us made cookies they were so good and we had so much fun making these. next stop shanghi
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