Katie - active naturals - check inki listing ingredients
and doctors on 13th
wedding 12/08/05 - breakfast date with signif people
Kathryn don't forget the docs on Friday 10am re: groin strain with Dr P
Linds, remember to charge out the king pin press. Roger. over and out
Here's another one checkng in......what is going on? feeling a little disappointed on the photo front Alix...come on girl can't you see the hints.............WE WANT NEW PHOTOS!!!!!! XXxx
I check regularly but nothing ever seems to change.....
Or should that be 'hear, hear'?? Hmm, anyway, get some photos on here...
Here, here!!
I check this site every day! but there is never any new photos so no comment to make!!
Well, the best are always saved to last! No offence to anyone who may come on here now! :o)
No rush with the photo's - seems we are the only ones who check this site. No one else has been on here in over a month! x
Still no photo's - what time difference are you on??? Is it wrong that we wanna see your little pretty face? x
Actuwaaally, I spent hours yesterday sorting them! And I am here to day to continue. They will be here...they're all muddled at the mo though. And don't forget the time difference! But I'll get 'em up...I will, I will, I will :o) I just hope they're woth the wait! Byeeee :o)