Big Al and Benny-Bob's American Adventure
Ok, we're in Texas now but I am going to try and remember back a week (which is a real effort for me as usually I can't remember back more than an hour!). We arrived in Miami early on the morning of the 12th and then drove through South Beach and saw all the retro looking buildings that line the beach front. We then drove to the Keys which only took a couple of hours. The Florida Keys are lovely! And it's just one Key after another with long bridges joining them's all palm trees and perfectly blue waters! It's very clean and very pretty! Key West is the last Key and the Key that's most popular. We stayed there the night. It has lots of shops and places to eat/drink. It's very busy, especially in the Winter as that's it's biggest season! The Keys stay in around 80 degrees all year round - getting a bit hotter in the Summer - so everyone goes there in the Winter. They have chickens that live freely and wander around, some cats also, lots of street performers, and beautiful sun-sets. I would have liked to have stayed longer and explored the other Keys. They're quieter and more my cup of tea! But Key West is a lot of fun for a short stay!
That's all! Ciao for now my people! :o)
Big Al and Benny Bob!
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