Today is so booooring, no problems with the car and we are making good time and distance.I really wish it would get more exciting.So Sherree thought she would liven up the day by playing chicken at level crossings.NSW is different, it seems that they don't believe in using level crossing lights in regional NSW.
The 3 second tents are fantastic!!So easy to set up and pull down, a really good investment.Everyone watches in envy as we arrive and are set up in minutes.Now the parents just need to be as flexible but this tenting is hard on the bones and the muscles.
I would recommend the Warrumbungles they have all the important bits - toilets and showers (showers are the answer to all the worlds problems according to mama pig) There is just one thing to beware of with the showers, there is a 5 minute limit. If you take longer the water goes ice cold, the door flings open and your picture is taken. The picture is then put up on a notice borad titled 'Repeat Offenders - shower hogs'. Mama pig's picture was up there three times in two days. The other important component of a national park if you have boys is water. Any water will draw them like bees to honey and they will be wet head to foot in minutes, particular when there is a rope swing over the water. Let you in on a secret at night I slipped down to the swing and greased up the handle next day you can image the outcome. A warning for all those who plan to go camping in a national park with water the neart future. When you go to dry the wet shoes by the fire dont put them to close or they will cook. Corporately the pig family was able to destroy $500 dollars of shoes and I will admit I was the main culpurit. Anyway got to go.
"Papa Pig"
Today we camped at the Warrumbungles.The next morning we got up early so we had time to get to the Breadknife.The Breadknife is a long skinny rock.It was a 12.5km walk with a paved pathway and then lots of stairs.After the stairs was a rocky path leading up to the rocks where you can look over the Breadknife.On the way down we had to listen to Callum'slegend of 'drop bears'.We also camped near a creek, we got our shoes wet and Dad helped me make a bridge.It was fun plyaing at the creek. "Piggy No. 3"
Today we are going the Warrumbungle National Park.When we got to our camping spot we were excited because there was a creek and a rope swing.As soon as the tent was set up (sorry, thrown up) we had a swing.Boys + swinging over water = wet boys - and that's RIGHT!We put our shoes by the fires overnight to dry and when we woke in the morning we found shoes for breakfast - nicely cooked!At 8:20 in the morning we left to climb up to the Breadknife (see photos if you want to see what this is).I got a picture of sunset at the Breadknife at this time of the day - no seriously I have found a really good use for sunglasses (apart from keeping the sun from your eyes).When we got back to camp we got dressed back into our old and dirty and wet clothes and went back down to the creek to play.My fist swing was great!And the second was excellent - maybe not, alright I fell off!"Piglet No.2"
It surprises me how much the Warrumbungles look like Canada - with pristine creeks and similar trees.My favourite part of the Warrumbungles is the climb up to the 'breadknife' and Grand High Tops.The hike takes you over 7 bridges and some of the best rock spires in Australia.One, the Belogory Spire is 200+m tall (4 pitches long) and is perfect rock climbing.At our campsite we had a small stick tied to a rope which kept us amused for ages, though I did fly into the creek once."Biggest Little Pig"
- comments
Tyler's We're officially jealous ( if only a king size pillow top mattress would fit in the tent!). Thinking of you and praying for you.