It is going to be 42 degrees here Christmas eve would you like some??? Love Melting Mum xxx
Hello darling Emma!
Just leaving you a quick note to tell you how much I miss you. Expect a jumbo-size novelty postcard from me soon with goss and updates. I'll write you a proper pre-Xmas email soon to catch you up with the comings nd goings from down under!
Love and many imaginary hugs
Laura xox
(Are you smoking lots of kippers and haddocks and things? My Mum is very excited about this as she is a big smoked fish fan)
Take Care xoxox
Hi Em ... and Duncan and Wendy ... and Kate!! and of course Emmas mates!! umm hope ur all enjoying the nice warm aussie weather ... its bloody cold up here but we are getting used to it!! i hope after all this suffering we mite at least get some snow!!! well we have started our 12hrs a day stint (7 days a week) at Inverawe (the salmon farm) so we are getting very tired and moody ... but its all good!!! neway i wish you ALL a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and an excellent newyears ... lots of love Dee xoxo
Hi What has happened to your photos some have gone ! Love Mum
Hallo darling,
Well it,s great to be home again.Pa said to send his love to you. I,m told you will be in Scotland for Christmas and New Year. New Year in Scotland should be quite an experience!
I shall do a longer email another time.
Lots of love, Nanny and Pa.xxoo
Tomohisa Is***o
Hi Emma &Norris Family.
I am fine.?
Hi Darling I got a surprise this am I had not opened your photos of Neuschwanstein for some reason. So have now. Sorry I was at work when you phoned but Dad said all was good I may get more information from Kate!
She had a varied time in Melb. I think she has a better time with you so you had better be prepared for another show visit. Have a day off today I want to get some gifts wrapped and ticked offf and the xmas letter written and printed so can send cards. There is another parcel coming your way hope it arrives b4 you leave you had better give them Matts addy as aforwarding addy, in case. keep warm I am in front of the fan and it is 9.30am!!
Love Mum xxoo
G'day EJ
Ya missng the test. We are doing V well, but it's only NZ. I think Duncan & wendy went on Friday. It was 37 degrees, and they have new dress standards in the members - I think that you now can't get into the members without a collar. So the Advertiser published cut out collars - one white, one blue!
All is normal here. George goes to Japan in two 1/2 weeks. D & W are coming down to our joint at Robe for a few days after Xmas, but W has to work on new Years day, so will go home before the BIG NIGHT.
Liz is having a party year at school - as opposed to a work year.
Tom is working as a retail dogsbody in an airconditioning sales place on South Rd, St Marys.
C ya
hi everyone, im still playing with fish. I have moved in with 2 chicks from Melbourne and we're living on site now, so while it's further from the pub, it's also much better than the van in the middle of nowhere. Miss you all loads and I hope that more letters come through, i love getting them. Lots of love, Emma xoxoxoxoxo
Hi Em,
it is 6.50 Sat night, mum and I are going with the Down's to Sherry's for tea.
Kate is out with Erin, Nanny and Pa are doing well at home and enjoying being together again.
Pa enjoyed having Nan and Granpa and Uncle Rayner and Auntie Pam here for lunch last Sunday.
I am off to Robe for work this Tuesday, it will be the last long trip for the Patrol as it has been costing so much to keep going in good order this year I have traded it in on a Pajero.
Cold and raining here today but 34 this next Wednesday.
I think of you often in that beautiful part of the world, hope all is well, have some smoked salmon for me.
Speak to you soon, love Dad xxxooo
Hi Darling, I have just posted a package so keep an eye out. Sorry there is not a letter in it though. Have you decided to move in to the coach house now? Speak when we can love Mumxxx
hi everyone,
well im at work, waiting for 2 weeks of washing to finish, we're doing each load twice, as the salmon smell is so strong.(We think, but just to be sure.) It's all going well here, so ready to come home though. I'm not saving, so that's not going too well either. But alas, im in Scottydoon. Love lots Em xoxo