I woke up to a real dodgy stomach which I suspect was the price that I paid for my politeness by attempting to eat the most of the meal ( Cassova chips and curry of some sorts) cooked by a villager from the jungle trek yesterday.
A trip to the toilets soon followed and I had a small breakfast and bid my farewell to the residents of the Beachouse. We had to go through an hour and half drive to Port Denarau which is an important hub for the transport links in Fiji because taking a ferry is the only way for the tourists to get to the series of remote islands in Fiji. Apparently, Fiji has over hundreds of these including one island which were the location for the film Castaway.
We got on our ferry, we got to be transferred to a jet boat when we reached our island which was cool because it was glass bottomed boat, there were a funny incident when people were horrified to realise that the jet boat anchored on the sea and we had to waddle through the sea briefly to get to the island but most of us were wearing proper shoes because it was a rainy day. We all had to time our jumps to avoid the waves!
We eventually got to our residence, it is a massive bula(Fijian for house) with about 40-odd beds and it was very cramped yet fun! We explored our surroundings and had lunch ( I didn't eat much) There was a bar built on beach which were cool. There were plenty of activities such as snorkelling, mini golfing, jet ski etc but we opted out most of it due to prices and our sheer laziness or illness in my case.
Soon, the sun made the way for the moon and it was cue for the island dwellers to assemble at the bar for the night of the partying. I didn't really enjoy that night because I was busy clutching my stomach and eventually fled to my bed.
Next day we explored the island further, we walked around the island and I am sorry if I already pointed this out but it took us little over 15 minutes. It was supposed to take us just seven minutes but we stopped occasionally on the route to check things out. We found a secluded area of villas with a Jacuzzi overseeing the sea which was amazing. We also met a deaf worker but he can't sign or speak which was unusual. We communicate by gestures and mimes, a tool he also used with his co-workers. The weather was weird so we spent our day scurrying to the pub if it rains or to the beach if it is sunny.
Soon, it was time for another session of partying. My stomach were improving but not enough for me to go wild so I had another tame night but I met two Australians and a Scot sailing around the world. They were so detached from the reality that the Scot was really shocked to discover Fernando Torres had been sold to Chelsea! We also enjoyed a spot of local music and dancing from the workers. I eventually went to the bed.
Next morning passed by quickly with packing and the frantic searching for Dominic's camera which he had lost. It was found in his toiletries bag in the end before we all caught a ferry back to the mainland but not before Dom and Ashley were chased down by a receptionist who even jumped in the boat to collect the tab that they had forgot to pay!
Overall, I didn't really enjoyed the island though it was a paradise with sands and palm trees peppering up everywhere along with the buildings because, it was a lovely place to visit with plenty of activities to do but our stay was too short and we were skint so we can't afford to enjoy them all and obviously my illness were getting in the way with one of the island's main selling point, the nightlife. On the reflection I accepted my illness because I have already experienced some amazing things that are more memorable so my illness came at the right time.
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