Hey Ashley! Looks like your having the experience of a lifetime...I am so stoked for you!Keep filling me in!Luv Ya!
Yea warm weather! How lucky for you since Fredericton just plunged back down to the minus teens and the wind chill came back! Africa sounds amazing!
Well the 3-11 shift is lookin in on your travels now. see your next update soon i hope
Yes, I love the pictures as well, especially the expediancy of them lol. I really wish I could be there now, you're making me very jealous haha! Have fun exploring some more in Frankfurt tomorrow!
World Traveler And Backpacker Extraodaire
Wow, good job mom, the computer didn´t outsmart you! Its gret here!! IM IN GERMANY! And lots of veggie options!
ok after numerous tries i think i have it! The pictures are great Ashley. How exciting, we are all proud of you, and miss you here at home already and you have only just begun..(hey i think there is a song called that!)LOL..anyway have an amazing journey and keep us posted...how is the food for Veggie you?