Have just read your updated blog and looking forward to seeing the photos.
Sam enjoy the final couple of days of your travels and have a safe journey home.
Joanne, if you are feeling just a little bit home sick especially as Sam is coming back, don't bother, the weather here is very depressing, grey sky with constant light rain and cold enough for the central heating in the middle of our english summer! You would only be home for a day or two before wishing you were back there. Have a safe journey to Australia and continue enjoying with your new travelling partner, Vicky. I have made contact with her and I am arranging to meet her mum within the next couple of days.
Also have spoken to the College of Law and we have all the information you need which Vicky says she will bring out with her, together with your mob phone. I will email you regarding the content of the book from the College of Law.
Much Love Mum/Pamxx
Lisa Mcelhinney
Shivers down my spine after seeing your photos of skulls and the mass graves sign! x
Hi guys! Pics look fab. Couldn't look at them for too long though as they reminded me too much of our travels last year and we are now in cloudy, boring England. Jealous to say the least! Jo-have sent you an email at long last. Rubbish big sis, I know! Hope you are enjoying Sihanoukville. Watch out for the hoardes when you get off the bus in Siem Reap-they are seriously nuts! Make sure you have a Jolie cocktail there-you'll see what I mean as soon as you enter any bar. Take care peeps. Missing you and love you lots,
Nix xxxx
Message for Pat and Pam,
thank you for the birthday wishes, I'll pass them on to kevin who may not check the message board before tomorrow!
We're really looking forward to the day (although the forecast is not so great now) Have a huge picnic planned and plenty of lubrication!!!!
Again thank you
love kate x
Message for Pat and Pam,
thank you for the birthday wishes, I'll pass them on to kevin who may not check the message board before tomorrow!
We're really looking forward to the day (although the forecast is not so great now) Have a huge picnic planned and plenty of lubrication!!!!
Again thank you
love kate x
Hello there :) Hope you are both well-looking great from the pics! Just read your latest blog...can't believe how fast the time is going!! Glad you are indulging in some luxuries on the beach!!
Hope you enjoy the rest of yout time out there Sam and you have a good trip back. Jo,hope to speak to you before hand but if not-have an amazing time in aussie mate ;) bet you canny wait now...be sure to give Harold Bishop a big old bear hug from me-tehe!
Thinking of you always,
Katie ..aka the green eyed monster ;) xx
Mum K
That was spooky, I had just finished putting the message on wishing Sam's dad a happy birthday when I went back to my emails and found the email alert to say you had updated the site. You must have been writing the blog as I was adding my message. Anyway sounds like you have had a really busy few days since we last spoke and have had so much fun. Can't believe you managed to beat Sam at go-karting, Sam what happened?
Am really jealous of the beauty treatments you have had, sounds like heaven, and am glad the weather has improved and the sun is now shining again.
Am off out to dinner with Shaun tonight, a mum's and son's evening with Janet and Michael and Hilary and Benjamin. Should be fun.
Much love and missing you Mumxx
Pam/ Joanne's Mum
Happy 50th Birthday and enjoy your celebration at Twickenham on Saturday. We have been to Twickenham a fews times for the Middx 7s and had a brilliant time. The weather forecast for Saturday is good so we hope you all have a lovely day.
Pat, Pam, Nicola James and Shaun.
Hi there you two intrepid adventures--what a fantastic lot of photo's. Nice to see that sam's dancing abilities have improved while you've been away. Can't believe you're in cambodia already and the final leg of the trip has started--Sam you must be feeling very fed up with the thought of coming back --but if it makes it any better, we're really looking foward to seeing you and hearing all your tales. Everyone here okay, looking forard to Twickers on saturday--we'll have a glass or 2 for you both to celebrate the birthday--hope you'll find a cold beer over there! Enjoy the rest of the trip--and Jo, enjoy the peace when sam comes home and you have a great month in Aus--will eagerly await the news from there too. Loads of love to you both, from us all in Dorset
Lisa Mcelhinney
I hasten to add that your father now has me hooked on home grown chilli plants, family tradition now continues in Uxbridge, seeding trays purchased today, sowing begins tomorrow! Your photos are fabulous and I would love to try the sand tobogganing xx
Mum K
Just sat and watched the slide show of your fabulous photos, was waiting to see you on the kareoke what happened! Looks like you are having such fun and I want the little boy in the green t-shirt. Am very jealous, but have to say would rather stick with the aircraft for travelling couldn't be doing with 14 hour bus journey's followed by a boat trip where you could swim faster than the boat travels.
We have had gorgeous weather while you have had the rain so Sam our english sun tans are coming on fine, if you are starting to panic I can recommend a couple of self tan lotions.
Joanne I hope your skin will be ok now that the sun has returned and that god isn't paying you back for taking the cheaper option with the malaria tablets!
Much love Mumxx
Hi Fellow Intrepid Travellers
Just read the blog on your journey into Cambodia, very, very impressed particulary as I have just arrived back from the depths of deepest West Sussex.
Having made an early start along that old trading route known as the A3, I was seeking out the Holy Grail of Chilli afficianados The West Dean Chilli Festival. Due to mis-direction by native peoples of the surrounding hinterland and complete incompetence on the part of my mode of transport I was forced to turn back without achieving my objective to avoid starvation, dehydration and missing the Scotland/Ireland game.
I can at least take comfort from the perserverance that you both apply to your travels, fortified by this and a map I will sally forth on the morrow to seek the Holy Grail once again......I think I better get out of this sun now!!!!
It pleases me greatly to see and hear you both enjoying yourselves so much.