Wonderful account of your trip so far - feel like we are there ourselves! Where next?
Love Janet & Norman
Finally caught up on the last couple of blogs and photos thankyou team for amazing stories - very jealous but very happy you are having such adventures xx love you lots xx
Peter H
Such a well written BLOG - Lost for words. What a wonderful awe inspiring trip you are both experiencing. Amazing diversity from desert to city and the food!?! Keep safe. Love from Peter/Dad
Diego F
Reading your blog from my Guatemalan office I cannot tell you how jealous i feel!! Thanks for sharing your adventures, I have enjoyed every post and picture (specially the one with Simon and his stache!!!, jajaja), please keep posting so we can accompany you all the way!
Maribel Sinibaldi
Hi Victoria & Simon! I have read all your experiences, I am so happy for you! You are really having so much fun, living the world, and seeing all those beautiful places. We all are living your trip with you, getting to know all the places that probably we are never seeing for ourserlves. I am really enjoying your pictures! A big hug for both of you!
Nigel Hubbard
Another great blog with impressive photos. Not sure we would be up to it. What vastness. Keep blogging - it makes great reading and something to treasure for the future. (Comment might be duplicated).
Fantastic photos & vr vivid Blog, the way you write it, one actually lives yr adventure !
Really value speaking with you on Skype - OK, your 'Fans' look forward to the next chapter !
All my love across the miles, xxx Mum/Lydia
María Isabel De Hubbard
Que lindo se ve todo lo que están conociendo! Gracias por compartirlo! Les mando todo mi amor!
Nigel Hubbard
Truly fascinating blog and great photos. The fire must have been scary though. Keep blogging (without doubt you have a massive audience) despite government interference!! Loads of love as always Dad/Nigel. Great speaking with you (Skype) yesterday.
Peter H
Just fantastic. I bet you appreciated the comfort of a hotel although I envy the experience of the trains. Excellent BLOG. Take great care. Lots of Love Dad/Peter
Nice pics! Hugs & kisses desde Guate! Love you both! Enjoy!