Ahh how cute are all the babies?!? Must have been so difficult to leave them.. Love all the photos - especially the one of Antonio crushing Angie!! Missing you lots back here. I'll email you some recent pictures of Jackson - I still cannot believe just how adorable he is! Keep us posted on what you're doing, love hearing how the other half live!! Take care love Dan x x x ps. have a great birthday!!!
Hi guys, sounds like you are having a fantastic time and amazing that meeting Dora made you see how special a life is! 5 weeks is a very long time at Dora's age but forever is something else. Carry on with your travels and enjoy! Everything back here is all good! Mum n Dad are starting to live like normal people again instead of squatters and we are looking forward to our first holiday with Jackson! Not long to go now guys so don't get complacent with all the incredible sights you see and experiences you have!! Take care of each other and stay safe! Love from Craig x x x . . . . . . . p.s. Angie - your not Madonna or Angelina and there will be plenty of babysitting when you get back! x x x
Mum Dad N Mica
wow what fantastic fotos love the peter n tinkerbell one .you are seeing the most amazing sights on earth how lucky are u 2 . lots of love xxxxx
Mum Dad N Mica
You have both done an amazing thing working at the orphanage, not many people will have touched so many little souls like that . the place looks lovely and they are well cared for and all look good and always have company of other children and people , better than some children even here .Now go on with your journey and enjoy yourselves we are all missing u both Lots of love and kisses xxxxxxxx
Julie Rodger
Hi you two bet your Spanish is better than Alan's and he has been having classes for two years. Just showed Hayley some of your photos and she thinks Antonio is very handsome. She also sends her best wishes. Carry on enjoying your trip. I haved loved keeping up to date with what you have been doing and seeing the photos.
Lots of love
Julie xxx
Antonio & Angie
Hi everyone, just a quick message to update you on what is happening with us. We have been in Sucre for just over a week and have finished a spanish course. We are starting at an orphanage on Monday for a month here in Sucre so we may not be updating for a while as we will not have any new photo albums.
Love A & A
Hi you little travellers! Website is great - just managed to have a nosey at all your photos and blogs...you have been very busy!!
All great here. Jackson has grown loads since you last skyped. He's always got a smile on his face..apart from when he's tired or hungry, then he can be a little grumpy (takes after his daddy!)
Keep up the detail on the website, it's great for us to follow!
Lots of love xxx
Craig, Danieele & Jackson
...... your next destination. We didn't get chance to visit so can't provide any top tips! Hope Antonio is still looking after you or you are looking after him! Hopefully I will be around sometime when you skype soon.
Keep enjoying it and remember that nothing much changes here so make the most of your opportunity to experience the travels!
Love lots - Craig, Dan & jackson x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Craig, Dan & Jackson
Hi sis,
Sounds like you are having an amazing time! Enjoy
Antonio & Angie
Hi Guys,
Just a quick update to let everyone know we have had a slight change of plans and are now leaving NZ Tomorrow (20th March) for Chile as there was some problems getting flights we wanted. Once we are in Chile we will be able to update again and hopefully can keep regular contact as we should have a lot more internet access.
A & A
i just watched it aswell it made me laugh cos nana lynda was pulling funny faces at it . xxxx
Mum Dad N Mica
just watched the video u nutter Antonio , glad my little princess had her ears pierced instead!!! . bet u loved it didnt u typical guy thing .All the pics are fab u are both so lucky Lots of love n hugs xxxxxx
Mum Dad N Mica
Hi ya just caught up on ur fotos n blogs , Angie u travel on water just like me not good but respond to smells like ur dad, made me laugh. U are seeing so many things its amazing n u have loads of time when u get back for home comforts, That was nice of ur fiends to let u stay,Keep having fun ,We all love u loads xxxxxx