Well it's official... We have crossed the date line... And I'm definitely getting an aisle seat the next time!!
It's 7 Hrs 33 mins till we land
4593 kms away from Australia and 6973 kms to go till LA.
Local time 15:31
LA times 21:31
Current speed 916kph
Current temp -41.5 deg
And yep still no sleep... Why you ask? cos there's kids in front of me who can't settle down... I'm not against kids... I just think they shouldn't fly. Especially long haul flights. I know this sounds mean but they should have there seats to the back of the plane... The lady next to me has got another flight to catch to go home and even she's struggling to sleep... I've nodded on and off but nothing substantial... Oh well eventually one of us will just drop... Right?
Well hopefully I'll get some sleep soon!
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