hi ant hope ur both ok we have had a mental weekend vof football we had the knebworth tournament yesterday and we got into the semis. but we lost agaist knebworth 5-0. we r plating again at home so ill let u know how we got on. have a fab time take care love tracy andy charlie
hi ant let me know wen u get a minute if u got this e mail hope u are having a fab time miss yer loads take care 2 both of you love tracy andy charlie.
hi ant let me know wen u get a minute if u got this e mail hope u are having a fab time miss yer loads take care 2 both of you love tracy andy charlie.
hi ant i am good been doing lots of football had my school tournament on sunday and stonehiill won yippe. went out 4 lucys birthday 2day which was fun. got eagles tournament this weekend both saturday and sunday.speak soon love l-man
hi ant
aree u having a goood time?
where are you now?
missing you,love charlie
Dadish & Emsy
What occuring Gavin & Stacey,
Good photos one cant ride and one cant swim! Looks like every-things going well, any-thing to report, were sitting here trying to make fire with two sticks as gas is so expensive now! Got rid of the Citroen now got a nice little gelding!! Still cant find a trailer, waitng on a phone call from Welham Green! By the way have you seen "Peter Falconiao" yet?
Speak soon, lots of love
Bab's and Sid xxxxxxxxx
hi ant just seen pict really good lucy really missing u says she loves you she likes getting her post cards hope all well miss u lots of love 2 u both speak soon michelle jp and lucy xxxxxx
hiya u2
u both look like ur having a great time
ant u didnt look 2sure of that horse!
all missing u!
hi ya,
it looks amazing out there! the pics r really good. glad ur both enjoying urselfs. we all miss u!
gem xxx
Hi both,
Just got your details from Dad. Amazing photo's, Dan you made me laugh not wanting to sleep on your own! Wonder how much you'll change in those months away... It's great to read and see what you're up to.
Lots of love
Mandy xx
Hello, I cant believe Anthony got size 16 flip flops, I bet you got size 6. Mum and Dad are gettin ready for camping but there wont be any elephants just lots of sheep! i cant wait. I'm missing you both lots and lots.
From Will Boxer
Hello there,
Sounds like your having an excellent time, love the photos. Keep us up to date, were all missing you!!!