Saturday 20th December - I'm in Sydney!!!!! Had a 3 hour flight from Auckland and landed at 8pm. I would have tried to look out the window but I had a mahoosive guy sat next to me who decided that for the entire 3 hours he would sit with his head blocking the entire window space (his head was the size of half the plane) and therefore blocking my view. I think it was his first flight as he was clucking with delight the whole time. Bless. Anyway, managed to get to my hostel which is Wake Up in the city centre at 10pm, and went to bed and died from fatigue.
Sunday 21st Decenber - took a wander down Chinatown (why is there a Chinatown everywhere you go???), then wandered down Darling Harbour which is a really pretty harbour front, then met up with Vicky. She has been in Sydney for a couple of weeks and I really missed her after she left NZ, so was fantastic to meet up again and have a good old chin wag catching up. We then met her stepbrother Mark who lives here and we went to Coogee beach. It was an absolutely gorgeous hot sunny day, and we met their friends Mark and Nat, and we chilled on the beach, whilst there were bands playing on the grass and they were doing xmas carols jazzed up. It was the most surreal thing basking in the heat in December listening to xmas tunes!! At night we went down the Rocks which is the area near the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, and its a really cool trendy bar area, and we went to a pizza place where I ate kangaroo pizza. It was bloody lovely, highly recommend it. They are really cute animals but they taste damn good (and yeah I know I'm an animal lover, blah blah blah). We then went to a really cool bar opposite the Opera house, and that was my first view of it, all lit up at night. It was stunning, and I felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, I really am not in Bicester anymore!! It was a perfect first day in Sydney.
Monday 22nd December - had a proper Stray bus NZ reunion today. Me and Vicky met up with our friends Shelley, Will and Sarah who we met in Nz, and their mates Caesar and Katie. We got the ferry over to Manly which is a really buzzing Island just off Sydney, and we went down to the beach again all day, then in the evening we went back to the Rocks and ate crocodile and emu pizza (also bloody lovely), and met up with 2 Irish girls Keira and Elaine who we met in NZ, and also Dave from NZ, so it was so good to catch up with everyone over several bottles (as always).
Tuesday 23rd december - me, Vicky, Shelley and Sarah hit the shops today to do some female bonding retail therapy on the cheap, then we met Vicky's brother Mark. We went to Hyde Park through to the Botanical Gardens where they had a GMTV xmas messages thing going on. The park was full of English and Irish all wanting to say hello to family back home. The GMTV crew came along and everyone was on thier phones phoning family at home to switch on the tv. I woke my poor mum up at 6am UK time, and the crowds were screaming hello and waving as soon as the cameras were rolling, and the opera house and bridge were just behind us. None of us were wanting to crush ourselves in the quest to get to the front, so we stayed waving at the back - my mum told me she never saw us, but she knew we were there which was the main thing, then we b*****ed off. That evening we had a girly sesh round Shelleys room with a bottle of goon. Goon is the remnants left over from the decent wine all mixed together, so its dead cheap and all the backpackers drink it, and you can feel your guts slowly rotting as you drink it. At about 4.30am we called it a night and went our ways to die from goon poisoning.
Wednesady 24th December (Xmas Eve) - went food shopping for xmas day picnic, then in the evening me, Vicky and Mark went for some drinks along Darling Harbour. We went to a club where we were stood in the queue and the doormen were going up and down telling people to b***** off as they did not like the look of them, and they were saying it was members only and they did not have a chance in hell of getting in, but they let us straight in - obviously beacuse we are amazing, no doubt about it!! The club was rammed and we managed to get a spot right by the terrace overlooking the harbour, and saw in xmas day morning in style.
Thursday 25th December (xmas day) - started off a bit overcast, then turned into a gorgeous hot sunny day with pure blue sky and temperature of about 28'C. Me, Vicky, Mark, Mark and Sarah went down to Bondi Beach. It was busy but not over crowded, as there were also people on the grass banks and cafes, there were harikrishnas doing their dancing to the crowds, and the whole place was alive and literally kicking. There was a music festival going on in the Bondi Pavillion which we had tickets for, so as we chilled on the beach with our picnic, we could hear all the tunes banging away in the background. Me, Sarah and Mark went in the pavillion to get our lunch that was included in the ticket and left Vicky and Mark on the beach. Unfortunately it wasn't a BBQ, but it didnt matter as there were DJ's on different stages and we were dancing away for a couple of hours having a great time. It was the most different xmas day Ive ever had. We then joined the others on the beach again for some more sunbathing, then all of us went back in the pavillion. It was all outside, and the Utah Saints were playing. The place was packed with 6,000 people in the pavillion, the music was pumping, the atmosphere was buzzing, it was awesome. We met a group from the hostels that we know and they joined us, and we just spent the night drinking and dancing away. The headlining act was the Potbelleez and they were fantastic, they got the crowd going wild and nobody could stop smiling. It was the best night and the best way to spend xmas in Sydney. After it closed we got buses back, and sat in a park with a bottle chatting away until the early hours of the morning, then we all went to crash.
Friday 26th December (Boxing day) - Went to Randwick races today. I have never been to a horse race before, and it was brilliant. Me, Vicky and Mark went, then met Nat, Mark and the group from last night. The place was rammed, another scorching day and everyone was all dressed up. Once again the atmosphere was alight, and we stood at the front by the finish line. placed a couple of bets but only a couple of dollars at a time, and me and Vicky went by the names that we liked. There was one called 'Ready to Lift', which we thought was perfect as both of us are NEVER ready to lift or do any kind of physical exertion. Also, as all the Vet nurses I used to work with had a long running joke that I can not lift anything over 5kg as my arms are so pathetically weak and pointless, so the name was perfect. It won. We were at the front screaming our heads off for this horse, and were squealing in delight when it won. I have never won anything in my entire life, so even though it was a $8 win (equivalent of less than £4), it didnt matter, we won!! It was a brilliant day, so much fun.
Sunday 28th December - me and Vicky went to the Sydney aquarium today (a tourist must), and it was actually really cool. Unfortunately the platypuss was hiding so still have no idea what a real live one looks like, but saw all the lethal boxed jelly fish, salt water crocs, sharks - you get the picture. Then we nipped up the Opera House, and I took a 1 hour guided tour as I wanted to see the inside. You can't go to Sydney and not peak inside, so we got shown around the sails interior, saw the new modern studio which houses 300 people, and thats where Coldplay recently did an acoustic set, then saw the main hall where the Sydney harmonic orchestra are the residents, it seats over 2,500 people, and thats where the Foo Fighters have played. The interior is stunning, and everything is designed on acoustics, so the orchestra and singers do not need microphones or speakers. Then went in the main opera/ballet stage which seats over 1,500 people, and the whole place is pretty spectacular. Interesting that there is no dress code whatsoever though. Its a shame because I always thought dressing up was part of the whole theatre experience. Anyway, later on we met some friends and went to the open air cinema screen to watch the James Bond film 'Quantum of Solace'. Not the best film in the world, and I lost concentration, but god love Daniel Craig!!! We sat in the evening with our box of wine, m&m munchies, on a blanket watching the big screen, having mutated giant moths constantly bombarding our faces. It was great!! There are always loads of bats flying around as well, and sqeals of fighting possums. Awesome.
Monday 29th December - actually got up early for the first time in ages, and went to the Sydney skytower to go to the top deck and get some really great views of the city, and the ticket also included Oztrek, which was a simulation ride through Australia. I sat in my seat expecting it to be really lame and pants, but it was actually fantastic, and I was smiling away like a demented 5 year old having its first ice-cream. I need help. Then took another wander through darling harbour to soak up the suffocating heat, then I met Dan from gapyear site for a coffee and chat, and we exchanged stories and tips of places to go. Later on that night me and Vicky took a trip to Bondi where her friend from home Katie lives. She looks and talks just like Keira Knightley, except she is absolutely adorable, and we met her fella and his mate and went for dinner on Bondi. Oh this is the life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesady 30th December - got a 2 hour bus journey up north to Palm Beach, which is where 'Home and Away' is filmed. Its an absolutely gorgeous beach, and so after catching some rays (and yes Luisa, I HAVE officially changed colour now, and yes my legs are brown!! YAY!!!) I went for a wander up and over the rocks where all the Summer bay characters go to contemplate life and the universe and pose for many a serious and moody shot, then I wandered up the other end and saw the surfclub and bayside diner!! I sat and had a hotdog at the diner (it had to be done) and it was so cool being in Summer Bay! I know I really am incredibly sad, but I've seen that programme for years and loved its pure tackiness, so then I wandered along the beach with flip flops in hand thinking I could so do this moody looking acting malarchy, then paddled in the sea up to my knees (it was a bit rough - hence the surfing), and it was like "oh wow, Im in the Home and Away sea". Anyway, got the tortourous 2 hour bus journey back - the beach was only 40km away, but the peasant carriage really does stop every 5 metres down the road. Very tiresome. Me and Vicky then met Katie and Mags and got the ferry over to Manly for a girlie sesh, which was great.
Wednesday 31st December (NYE!!!!) - well what can I say. Words will not even come close to describing this NYE. Our new found friends Mark and Nat live in a flat over the bridge and literally just by the bridge, with views of the Opera house and harbour from their balcony, so we got invited over. Everyone else we know were queing for 4/5 hours to get in the Botanical gardens with millions of people (god I hate big crowds, can't think of anything worse), in the basking heat to sweat and try desperately to get a place with a view, no alcohol allowed and beers were $8 each. Our friend Will was there and he called at 11pm to say they still had not managed to get one single drink due to the queues and had waited for 4 hours to get in from 10am in the morning. Some people had been camping overnight!! Well, me and Vicks did it in style (its all about who you know), and we rocked up at the flat about 7pm, and there were loads of nibblies and about 20 of us altogether, really lovely people, and we were all in such good moods and high spirits drinking champagne. We could see and hear all the millions of people below crowded like sardines, but the crowds were buzzing, so the whole of Sydney was. They had a little firework display at 9pm for the kids which was cool, then at 12am it was the big one!! Apparantly they had spent more money on them this year than before, it was $5 or $6 million. I have never seen fireworks like it in my life, everyone was cheering and me and Vicky were squealing in delight. It was fantastic beyond words, the crowds were going wild. It was just amazing. Me and Vicky were buzzing as this is our year for travelling, and we can't bloody wait!! We left at about 1.30am and battled the HUGE crowds to get the train back over the bridge, and then we were stuck in a train traffic jam in the tunnel for ages. Some young lad kept passing out, he would have some water and jump back up again, then 2 seconds later hit the deck, so we gave him our seat and the poor young lad had obviously done far too many class A's looking at him, and being stuck in an overcrowded train in a traffic jam in a dark tunnel was not helping him. Me and Vicky on the other hand thought it was hilarious. We got back into the city and the streets were rammed. All the roads were shut off to traffic, there were police patrolling everywhere, and there were just people all over. We managed to get back to her hostel and crash in her bed just before 5am. It was amazing how we both managed to fit on a single bed together, and it was the top bunk. I was on the edge, so luckily there was a bar up as I had visions of me falling smack right off the side in my intoxicated state.
Thursday 1st January 2009 - left Vicky's this morning and people were staring at me on the bus as I was in last nights clothes and make-up. It was like I was doing the walk of shame, and I wanted to say "No you don't understand, I slept in my mates bunk with her" - but that would actually probably sound worse!! We then spent the day monging like vegetables, as thats all we could physically manage.
Friday 2nd January - had a very civilised day today playing lawn bowls. There was a group of about 20 of us girls and guys who went to Bondi and played it whilst drinking copious amounts of sparkling wine. Oh la de da!! The old guys were mesmerized by the fact a huge group of 20 and 30 something year olds were playing bowls. It was actually really good fun, and the girls were against the guys, and its great trying to bowl whilst fairly hammered, especially as you have to try and get the curve going. After we all hit Bondi town for pizza and drinks, went to a club and left quite late very drunk.
Saturday 3rd January - another very civilised day, the same group of us went to the park and played rounders. Its such an English thing to do, and we all sat round drinking beers in the sun and over exerting ourselves with a game I haven't played since school. After it was mexican restuarant and round to Marks flat for karaoke. This was bloody hilarious. This was in the same flat we spent NYE, and there was a big group of us again doing karaoke war on the games machine, so every song was a duet and having to battle your partner on notes, pitch and length with random tunes that the others selected. Everyone really got into it, so much so that at 2.30am there was a loud hammering at the door, and there were the Police who were coming round due to a noise complaint from the neighbours! It was hilarious as it stopped Mark, Damian, Dan and Charles halfway through "War - HUH. What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING!" I don't think the Police were that amused. Now we weren't THAT bad!!! I also blame Charles and his northern accented rendition of "We built this city" for upsetting the neighbours. So the karaoke stopped and the WII games began for a bit longer, before heading back.
Sunday 4th January - had a quick interview for admin assistant in Bondi. Was the weirdest set up ever, the guy met us in a cafe and there were about 15 other girls sat there too, and they were all like a size 6 with blonde hair and perfect nails, so I knew it was guaranteed that I was not getting the job!! So it was off to the Rocks for dinner and then we hit the Opera Bar for the best view of the harbour with an amazing jazz singer in the background. I was meant to be rich so I could live this life all the time!!!!!
Saturday 10th January - to be honest I can't actually remember a lot of the week, but we went for a walk in the Botanical gardens when it was 35'C heat, and I have never seen so many bats in my life! They are all HUGE, and out in daylight, squeaking like mad and fanning themselves from the heat. They are mutantly MAHOOOOOSIVE!!! But so cute. And today it was the first night of the Sydney festival in Hyde Park, so a group of us went along and there were different stages putting on different music and we were all dancing in the park. On one of the stages they had one of the guitariists from the Gypsy Kings up there. Now me and my ex went to the Canary Islands twice for holidays, and every restuarant we went to they played the Gypsy Kings, so when we got home we bought the CD because it reminded us of good memories, so when we hosted dinner parties (which was about twice to my family - now there are 2 types of people, hosts and non-hosts (I fall into the latter catergory), we would put Gypsy Kings on in the background to everyones delight) - now I have completely forgotten what my point was in this story apart from the fact that my ex was a fantastic host and I was crap!!! Anyway, it was a good night, and I can't type as I have had far too much wine, so I will love you all and leave you until I am coherrent!!
Monday 12th January - well I've sobered up! We are gearing up for a 13 hour overnight bus trip to Byron bay which leaves in 4 hours, so having some time to kill I thought I would ramble for a while. We have picked up a new travel buddy called Damian, he's 29 and from Bristol. Vicky was chatting him on Gapyear site before we left home, and they were going to head up the west coast together, but decided to come up east with me instead as we can not bare to be parted (ahem). Anyway, as a Bristolian he talks like a cross between Wurzel Gummidge and Vicky Pollard - which provides me with hours of entertainment ripping the piss out of him. So far he's taken it all in good humour, but I wander how long it will last, he he....... I have some observations about fellow backpackers that I would like to share. Its sooooo easy to tell where people are from just by looking at them. You can tell a German a mile away, they are about 8 foot tall (thats just the women), they have no dress sense whatsoever, they usually have long greasy lank blonde hair (thats just the men), and they are serious, mean and moody looking. They are either scared their faces will crack if they smile, or to be honest I think its just due to the fact they really do have NO sense of humour. All the Swedish girls stick together in little clique groups and talk to nobody else, the Irish are hilarious. The guys have as bad a dress sense as the Germans, except they top it off with football shirts and DIY crew cut haircuts. The girls are usually about 3 foot tall, skin as pasty as Casper the ghost that will burn to shreds within 30 seconds of sun exposure, round faces and they generally resemble wee-balls (you know, "you can push them over but they won't fall down" type thing?). You can hear an Aussie before you see them with mouths like sewers and language straight out the gutter. I then asked Vicky if she thinks people will instantly tell we're English - she said considering we have an alcoholic drink in our hands 90% of the time, then most likely. Good point. Anyway, about Aussies, I was chatting to an Aussie guy in a bar, and he asked me what my opinion of Australian men was. I said so far, not much. I find them rude, egotistical, arrogant and generally quite dull people. I said I much prefer Kiwi people as their sense of humour is fantastic (much like the English). I could see his face contorting into strange expressions at this point - obviously due to the huge competition between Kiwis and Aussies, and my favouritism towards Kiwis was not going down well. I then said I hope Aussies elsewhere are nicer than Sydneysiders, and I was still holding out hope, to which he replied that he was Sydney born and bred. I just smiled sweetly and said "Thats nice", then flounced back to the other guys. Honestly though, Aussies are not a patch on Kiwis, give me a NZ'er ANYDAY of the week!!!! Im ranting now due to lack of sleep as we shared a room with 2 wee-ball Irish girls last night, and one of them started texting on her phone at 3.30am this morning, and carried on past 6am. All I could hear was tap, tap, tap. My god I was so close to shoving that damn phone up her arse, but I bit my tongue (and fists) as I'm trying really hard to become a more tolerant and better person - man its HARD work I tell you. So I lay in bed imagining the most painful and horrific ways I could torture this girl to make myself feel better, when her mate then started to snore. I can see perfectly well why sleep deprivation would turn someone into an axe wielding psychopath!! The thoughts going through my head would make a Human Rights Activist have a heart attack - but then those damn human rights Activists would stick up for Freddy Kruger and claim he was just "misunderstood", or not cuddled enough as a child. Honestly, give me a break. Right, Im going to grab some food as my stomach feels like my throats been slit, then get this awful bus. It will all be worth it in the end though - Byron Bay!! And Damian surfs back home so is going to attempt to teach me. He said he'll start off teaching me to get to my feet. I laughed my head off when he told me this, as I can't even balance on flat ground! This will be interesting. Very interesting.
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