Fab piccies ..... Its a very cold Monday morning in the office and just had a quick look - made me feel very envious..... good for you - am still very proud of you for going for it - hope you can manage a few cocktails in my honour girlfriend!! huge hugs Sazza xx
Hola Anna. Hope you are ok, but from great photos looks like you are having a fabulous time!! Yeah you need to fill me in on all those guys....!Enjoy the sunshine we're are having a spell of siberian weather, Grr!!You're looking really well and so are the small glipses of the brazilian men i can see in the photos. Please consider me when up loading next load of shots, i'd appreciate some fit men to perv over!!! Getting together with some of girls this week, so i'll update you on all gossip! Have fun, lots of loveXXXX
Jesus, Christina And Claudio
...don't forget us!
...and me
me too xx
Juan, Pedro And The Guys
cheers for the great time in Rio...we'll never forget you x
me too, you're a special gal ;)
Official Bite Me Office
nothing to say in particular. just letting you know we're keeping up with your travels and hi
James And Charlotte
hi ya anna,
hows it going out there? hope your having a great time. we are just about to go and see lizzie and ellie.alll the family say hi, looks goods what ur up 2 speak 2 u soon x x x x
Hey mate..how´s it going?
Sounds like sand boarding was fun!!! Trust you to break the board !!!
Just wanted to say it was great to meet you, I´ve got some great memories!! Especially Lapa in the rain and the trip to Iguacu Falls on the spead boat...Its all been fun!!
Say Hi to Andy for me - how is the score going? Hope you are in the lead to keep the girl power going!!!
After you all left I just spent the next day by the pool !! Now I am in Quito - the boys have gone on a mountain bike trek today so will catch up with them later.
Take care mate.
Love Gxx
P.s its great to see the photo´s
Hi Doris! Glad to hear your having a wicked time. We all miss you loads. The weather is poxy here! Your so lucky to be in that Brazillian sunshine mate. Sounds like you've made some good friends over there. Went out last night in rochester for my birthday, was making shapes at casino crazy! Don't you just miss that place!! Bet you've had some fab nights out havn't you? Your photos are lovely, keep on sending them so we can keep up with your adventures. You look well happy and relaxed. Look after yourself hun and carry on having fun. Big hugs Stella. X X X X X
hiya princess. getting fed up with your backpack!! hope u don't look two much like arnie by the time i get there!! if so you can carry mine aswell!! ha ha! sand boarding sounds cool. where's the photo's? love al xxxx