Hiya Sarah, I`ll email you soon. I`ve been waiting for something exciting to happen first, all so boring here! haha. Nah, still having a wicked time. Just finished a 3 day trip seeing the Salt Flats and hot springs etc in Bolivia. Now in Chile, in San Pedro, nice and warm!! Going down to Santiago tonight, only a 22 hrs bus journey! I just uploaded a few photos, still millions more to upload. Sorry to bore you! Talk soon. Love Ax
Hello my darling, no e-mails of late, whats going on? Forgot us already? Horse trials this weekend, weather is supposed to be nice this time, thank goodness. S is coming back on Monday, it's a secret from her friends etc, to suprise people. Can you believe........there is grass in the garden now! Need somewhere decent to lay to try and keep up with your tan, I reckon the odds are in my favour. Lee's still hanging on, I've tried everything you suggested to get rid of him...............only joking nosey, knew you'd read my mail. Lisa's moved up north now, but I suppose you two are still in contact. Be in touch soon to give you the low down on everything. xxxxx
Hey girlie so you have got a tatoo? where abouts is it? sorry darren if ellie embrassed you but that little missy really speaks her mind. I haven't got a clue where she gets it from. I just thought i will pop on and say hi
Mandy (The Real One)
Hi Anna, Darren & Jenny are b******s!! You'll be pleased to know i have returned from Romania! Couldn't stand the pigeon, or the man! I obviously had serious beer googles on that night. In the cold morning light the goggles wore off and i was forced to look at what i thought was a sexy man only a few hours earlier!! I have decided not to drink to excess anymore, a drunk lady is not attractive!
Hope you are well, just wanted to set the record straight, just in case you believed them. Missing you loads Anna, haven't got together with girls for ages! Will keep you informed! Lots of love x x x x x x x
please ...no Pat Butchor pictures!!!! see you tomorrow for death road cycle....
Hi Anna
Thanks for your message pleased you are safe you must be brave for doing travel with the local buses
glad you and Al had a good time.
Lov Patxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!!!!! Have a great day. Hope you like your present. I`ll have a few drinks for you. Love Little sis Anna
Naz (From Cordoba)
Hey Anna! Just wanted to say hi. Hope the travels are going well. I'm planning on going to Santiago and Valparaiso at the end of April/first week in May. Don't know if you will be in that area but if so we should meet up! Naz.
P.S. As if the ice-cream tempation wasn't enough...they've opened a Grido right next door to my house. All i have to do is step outside my door and large tubs of ice-cream await...calling me...tempting me...taunting me..OH THE HORROR!
Thanks Ellie - thats the nicest compliment i've had in a long time. Keep em coming darlin' x
Hey girlie bust came home on monday me and el are having a great time this week. I'm not going to mention the fringe trim. We have just looked at you photos and ellie said darrens got nice boobs. Trust ellie to say something like that. She chats so much now. She loves playschool . You look well brown and skinny.I thought you said you been munching loads well going to go love you loads your little sis
oh mandy, I am so pleased for you!!! Yo lucky lucky thing!!! Guess what, I´ve had a tattoo!!!!
Have you heard the latest Anna, Mandie has left her nursing course and has decided to go live in Romania with Anbac (he couldn't get a visa for this country) it will take her a little while to get used to eating pigeons and not fried chicken, but thats how serious she is about him!