Villa Maria is my kind of place !!! All the estates look huge and very palatial and you both look relaxed and glowing. Not just with the wine !! The sky dive looked amazing though scary scary. Love ya lots x take care of each other and enjoy xxxx
Aunty Sue
Welcome to the jolly campers club! It's great isn't it. Love your little camper . Photos are fab. Makes me more determined to visit New Zealand. Won't do a sky dive though- you were brave but why no photos on the way down David? Meeting up with your Mum and Dad next Monday-all going out for a meal for Keith's birthday.
Looking forward to your next blog.Keep safe. Lots of love Aunty Sue xxx
Hey guys, still loving this blog. Get so excited about looking. Just viewed the most recent pics. Looking good guys. STILL JEALOUS!! Well done on the sky dive. You are both very brave. I have to say though Span, wouldn't like to have guessed yes or no to you doing it. Very proud ;-). I went up to see Nana yesterday and had lunch in M&S. We decieded it felt a lil strange to be at Talbot Green without you. Gave both your babies a cwtch too and they are fine. Molly is grumpy as always, but she did get on my lap yesterday! Been working today and it was so busy, poor me. Enjoy every minute. Love ya xxxx chat soon xx
Well....while you lot were sleeping we just jumped out of a plane! Woo hoo! We're both fine and loved it so don't worry parents! Glad we did it - thank you to those who contributed towards it as a present! xxxx
Mum And Dad T
I gather from the blog the Imodium came in handy.Loved the pics, it must have been fantastic seeing dolphins swimming alongside.I visited Rotorua in 1975 it brought back memories.You both look as though you're having a wonderful time. Not too sure about the skydive! Enjoy every moment, skype soon. Love to both x x x
A. Beth - I want to come to your house on Monday's.....sounds like fun :-)
Be careful if you do a skydive guys - although I am not gonna preach as I did one.
Love you lots and missing you xxxxx
Hi Mum and Dad G!
Yep socks are being used cos can get a bit chilly at night in certain areas! Good call! Dave's tum is better - I made him take the tablets! We're both shedding our skin though - mega dry - we're like snakes! What tan was there is slowly being removed! Off to get some more moisturiser now!
When's best for you to skype? Your evening or morning? You say a time and we'll try and be there! E-mail me! Love you both x x x x x
Hi girls and A Beth!!
Mondays sound fun! Glad you're enjoying the blogs and piccies and we're not boring everyone! We're haveing a fab time as you can see - moving on this morn (Tues) to Lake Taupo where Dave is thinking about doing a skydive - not sure if I'm up for it yet!
Anyway - love to all! We'll be in touch soon! x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aunty Beth And Uncle Dave
Hi Megan and Caitlin here, why isn't your campervan PINK!!!!!!!!!!! love from the girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As you can gather it's Monday and I've got company. Love the photos and the campervan, sounds really good girls are finding it interesting listening to me reading blogs out. Take care and lots and lots of love A Beth, U Dave, Megan and Caitlin
Ps we now have a new Monday job reading your blogs and sending message xxxxx
Mum & Dad G
Sorry - hope your tum better Dave !!! or hope you are feeling better Dave !!! got get it right Love ya xxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad G
Lovely to see you both enjoying the outdoor life !! Sun, sea and spa !! What could be better. The views are stunning. Love the camper. Very cosy. Noticed your woolly socks Annie. You both look really well and showing off your golden glow tans. Hope you're tum better Dave. Love ya loads and looking forward to the next album xxxxxxxxxx
Hey guys, loving the photos. Just a lil bit jealous sat here in my PJ's. You both look really relaxed and happy. Your new home looks very cosy ;-). All good my end. Off to Chez's for dinner today. I haven't seen her since Chrismas so will be good to catch up. Wer must chat on skype soon. Send me an email and we can sort a time to chat./ Kinda miss you now. Love ya. Take care xxxx