Travelodge, Northern Territory Dec 7, 2012 Practicalities of travel - done my own version (well almost) of the Levi ad and put every item of clothes I have, ex the tshirt & shorts I stand in, into this machine.
Litchfield, Northern Territory Dec 7, 2012 My last day in the Northern Territory and a visit to Litchfield, another park, but nearer to Darwin. Saw big termite mounds. Lots of swimming too, in holes, a rock stream & even under a waterfall. Lovely.
Edith Falls & Katherine Gorge, Northern Territory Dec 6, 2012 Today was more natural beauty, and my first swim in a (currently croc-free)'water hole', Edith Falls (in the picture). Our first stop before that was a visit to Adelaide River War Cemetery. The spectacular Katherine Gorge on a boat trip was this afternoon. Nearing 50 degrees in the Gorge.
Kakadu, Northern Territory Dec 5, 2012 It's hot up here in the Top End, over 40 degrees. Saw aboriginal art & my first crocodiles.
At The Airport, Again, Singapore Dec 4, 2012 Well back again 12hrs later to try again for the flight to Darwin. I've missed out on a day in Darwin but that's a pretty limited impact, especially compared with some of my fellow passenger's tales, involving kids, & island planes.