You have too much fun on Oz while were here doing the same old in UK! Glad them Ozzies are looking after ya!
Ps nicccce pics!
Hi babe, looking hot in your latest photo of you going to your desperate and dateless dance!!!
Little Sisso
Like brother like sister! I have a pic of me next to Pearson St in Hackney!!
Little Sisso
Adelaide - Sydney - Adelaide: we can't keep up! Hope you get some work soon and enjoy that Aussie sunshine - send some over here as our weather is truly miserable - Morden Park is now a marsh!
Little Sis
No aussie pics?
Glad your in Oz safe...sounds like your having fun!
Hi Andy look like ur havin a great tiem in Oz already!
Good luck finding work!
Helz x
Watch Out For The Little Fella
Looks like your still rocking mate and your camera work is improving by the week! Pete tells me you should be in Oz now so have a good time, we also found out a bit of news concerning a vital member of vasco on thursday which could pave the way for the next generation... but i'll let Peter explain all! God i missed Pete when he was away!
You have just taken a year out from work to get pissed and tanned!
Ma & Pa
Well done for managing so brilliantly in Asia and we hope you have a great time in Australia! Treat yourself to a small lager shandy while you're there and enjoy all those barbeques!
Thanx for my birthday wishes! I Had a good one! xxx
Have a safe journey to Oz Ill see ya out there!