Hey guys how you doing? Have you found a propper job yet Vic? I don't think you can call table dancing a real proffesion! (lucy) hey bud, table dancing is all good, just think of the tips your getting stuffed in your thong, work that s**t baby u no your hot stuff.(ric) I think Ric is secretly jelous of your new found career, he wont shut up about it and i've just caught him searching 'strip clubs in the south east' (lucy)its all lies mate, i would never do that! just dont let the bigger boys exploit your youthful fairly good looks, although u in a thong would b worth a picture on the web site (ric). Yeah yeah 'nuff bout that, c I told you he wouldn't shut up about it think it's becoming an obsession! Anyways we are all at my house drinking as much wine as poss and finished a few vodkas too. I';m trying to sleep as I have work in a few hours but they have locked me in the kitchen and wont let me go to bed, it also doesn't help that ric keeps playing chemical bros and prodidgy! (lucy) i am captain dj and the tunes r all good, prodigy is rocking all we need is lou doing the robot that is almost as good as mine and baby jesus(aka amy) strutting her stuff, and captain pole dance (aka victor) doing his camp little jig. (ric)
Anyway that's all for now we're (ric) pissed and it's taken (ric) half an hour to type. hope your keeping safe and well, lots of love, hugs and kisses Richard and Lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ricky C
hi guys,hope your all ok, wicked news about your job vic, so what if its table dancing just give it a go mate! just 2 keep u updated, edgar davids has finally signed 4 us 2day, not sure if u no this either but patrick viera has left 4 juventus, ha ha jesse and micheal! hope all is well with u, good luck with job dude, love 2 u all ric x x x
Hi, Just wanted to reply to Paulines message, How are you?? I'm so glad to be able to hear from you! I'm fine thank you, working hard for Brisbane city council at mo trying to save pennys as when we arrived in oz I was skint! as we have already been away for 3 months spending lots of money!! The job is good and interesting with lots of nice people, it's massive with over 7,000 people here!! Also there is a gym for use and it's free!! it's a really good one, I had an assesment and then they worked out a program for me step by step, well good! There's also loads of classes to go to on lunch breaks or before or after work, even dance classes, which I'm really excited about as I really miss my dancing! Enough about me, how long are you at EDF? I heard that they sacked the receptionist who took my role! I have to say Pauline I'm really not missing EDF at all! apart from all the nice people of course. Anyway I better go I'm at work at the mo, Love to you and I hope all is well, take care, love Louise xxx
Miss Amy
WELL i thought i'd have a quick glimpse at the "cool" pic's Vic added so kindly!! HMMMM i apologise it seems the ones of me in a face mask and crying like a baby after watching my girl have been added but weirdly Louises ones have gone a miss!! hmm. I will get Victor back for this! watch this space !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss Amy
Hello little onez Amz here!! Well i have just managed to find a spare 5 mins in my busy schedule to write a message on the site so here goes, I dunno where Vic's ego stops with all those messages i've been told bout them but only just read em! Vic you are naughty!! Mummy just wanna let you know i'm doing ok and i know we don't get to speak often but when i do hear from you it makes my day. Well we havn't been to Steve Irwins zoo yet and we havn't been to the beach either, we are working on going on a weekend soon!!!! We have however all been quite busy either working or looking for jobs to be able to save and move on up the coast and visit all the other cool places. We are having Kelly, Sarah and pezza round tonight as they leave to come home tommorow so that should be cool. We have been watching the OZ big brother which compared to ours back home is a pile of crap, they are allowed to actually see the presenter when she addresses the house and when they do thier tasks they have crew moving the props around whist in the same room!!! We have however seen a funny side to it which is called big brother UNCUT but i wont go into that (put it this way its on late)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OZ idol is well funny aswel they got a guy a bit like Simon Cowell who is really rude to all the crap contestants (which there are lots of!) Sorry i havnt replied to your emails guys i will find some more time in the week and let you all know how i'm gettin on. Oh dad thanks for the pic you sent it really made me smile i am going to print it off.Well better be off now as i need to get home for neighbours he he. Take care everyone lots of love Amz xx
Hi Amy - So pleased that I have spoken to you. Keep up the good work, and get some good commission!.
Please let your Dad know what is happening with you, Im sure that he checks the site often.. Amy I send all my love, you know that this is survival and get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Mum!
Just been checking out he new pics. There are some awesome ones. Well the weather here is awful. We have had rian for nearly a week now. Pookys birthday bar b que was a wash out. We ended up indoors. Elijah didn`t care though he still helped blow his candles out. Steph brought him in wearing his new Arsenal kit this morning. He looked so cute will send som pics via your email. Abe is plastering our bedroom and the hallway as i type this. Hopefully should have a bedroom at last in a couple of weeks. What is it 1 year since we moved out now!!!! Anaisa now weighs in at 18lbs. She is a happy smily baby. Gemma took her swimming the other day to a Hydro pool, she loved it. Then slept for 14 hours.Hope you find a waitressing job soon.
Jesse will be moving me shortly. Oasis tickets go on sale for Cardif at 9. Love to you all. mum
Ricky C
dam that was alot of photos to look at, not complaining though, it all looks amazing, not sure about the caption in the shrek photo but i'll let it go cos i pissed myself laughing at the lewis 1, did he fly out and meet u that day cos its the spit of him. hope your jobs r going good girls, give vic a kick up the arse, there must be a waitress job going somewhere ( yeh u read that rite mate, i said waitress) anyway, hope all is well in your new crib, take care i'll speak 2 u soon love ric x x x
hi every1,you'll be very pleased to hear that iv spent most of the day updating our photos.the appartment is on there+iv added lots of oyher photos to the other albums.you can see seaworld and universal studios in american tour+loads n loads of new 1s in NZ.The Milford sound pics look amazing.check-ch-check-check-check em out dudes!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone,
I've just managed to get on the internet for literally 5 mins, so just wanted to say hi to everyone, sorry I haven't been in touch for a while, been so busy working and trying to sort everything out but I'll try and get onto the internet properly very soon, Love to you all, miss you, love Louise xxx
Almost forgot.there is acouple of new pics on the site.many more will follow 2morrow.and this weekend we might take a trip down to oz zoo.dunno if lou or amz told you,but its where Steve( crieky! )Irwin works.he does a live croc show there.should be realy good.bye bye xxx
hello everyone,im finished with the message board pranks now ( yes rodger,i did pay ) sat night was good realy good.had a few glasses of wine before we went round Perrys house,which is a realy nice place.Swimming pool,jakuzzi,huge patio and the house is realy spacious.We were quite amusedwhen we found out it used tobe a brothel!!! ithink they bought it from some lady called Maddame whiplash.we went straight to the club from there.everyone was off their faces and we just ended up dancing from 11:30 till 5am.Amz was especialy intoxicated.i dont think iv ever seen her so drunk.we went back to perrys and amy decided it was a perfect time to take a dip in the ice cold pool.thank got they had a jakuzzi or she would have froze to death.We spent the next day the same way we spent last sunday,eatin crap and watching dvds.last sunday was so funny.we watched million dollar baby and my girl( which amys been going on about since vegas! ).the girls must of cried for about an hour after each film,and i just had to get it on camera.i'll put the pics on this week.i was gona get Pay it foward( VERY SAD FILM) yesterday,but decided it was'nt such a good idea.Sandie,iknow you and everyone else wants to see rhe appartment and i promise i'll take some pics tonight and put them on tommorow.the plan was to do it today but when i got up the place looked liked a bomb had hit it.so i'll go back now,tidy and clean,and get some nice pics for ya'll.just had lunch with my little angel.Amz rang her.she said that the guys she worked with last week made between 1300 and 1800 dollars last week.Hopefully Amz will get very good at her job and start making loadsa money,especially since its my birthday soon,september 6th.wright it in your diarys folks! i will exept checks but cash is preferable.adios amegos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!