Hope everyone is okay?
On Monday morning, I woke up and got ready to go to work. Didn't have any lunch as the shop was shut. Turns out the farm was at least 1 hour away. Had to be up early to get the bus at 7.20am (but what they really mean is 7.40am - whilst you wait for everyone else to get up). When I got there I had to wait ages for the farmer to bring me some snipers and an orange bag. Sitting on the floor smoking she walks up to me and takes me to the bin that I needed to fill. Huge and massive doesn't come close! After a quick demonstration from the farmer I got on with it. 3 days later and the dam bin was still not full! The pay was $80.00 before tax. On the 4th day I had managed to fill it. So 4 days work got me $70.00 in the bank. Whoopie do. The next 6 days were rained off. So that meant get drunk and no reason to go to bed. As soon as the shop opened a group of us would go and all get a box of goon. 4.4 Litres for $10.00. Bargain. It was such a laugh, although the hostel was vile, the people were awesome. Had some pretty good nights, one crawling around the floor, screaming that some guy was hot and apologising to everyone else because I was drunk. By the way I never saw the floor being hoovered once in the two weeks I was there. Another good night was when I went to the pool comp in the local pub. It was a dead as a morgue. One of the lads, Lee, from the hostel won so he got a few bottles of wine and we walked back to the hostel and preceded to get smashed. Woke up in the morning, not in my bed ;), wondering what the hell I did with all my clothes. Couldn't find them anywhere, I found it quite funny. Luckily they turned up later. We also played a drinking game, whilst watching The Inbetweeners. Bad idea to drink whenever they said rude words. Did 6 cans of cider in 1 hour. Decided to dye my hair, only I was soo drunk I picked up an extreme lightener. My hair went orange, it looked horrific. But had no money to get it fixed! It stayed like for 10 days.
Eventually after spending days on Gumtree searching for a packing job, I found one, and got the job. I left Red Cliffs the following days with Roisin. We boarded a bus to Shepparton. Where we were picked up and taken to our new hostel. It was so different to Red Cliffs. Very different. The lights are off at 10pm and drinking on a weekday is definitely frowned upon. Ha ha. At first meeting, the lady who runs the hostels is incredibly racist and seems to hate Asians of all description. Having met loads I am inclined to say everything she said is true! It's an old nursing home, four beds in a very small room. Luckily, our room only has 3 in and we are all very good friends - Me, Jaana and Roisin. I have told Serena that under no circumstances is that fourth bed being used. Luckily, we got on fingers crossed.
We started work in a pear packing shed the following day! Oh my god it's so very boring. I have endured 11 weeks and 2 days and that is more than enough. Pears can go into punnets, trays, bags and just about anything. Apples are exactly the same! Yawn Yawn. I have worked in two sheds since I arrived. The first one went t*** up so to speak (more on that later), I prefer the second one though. Better hours still working 8 hours but its early start meaning and earlier finish J.
Weekdays here are pretty quiet. Usually in bed quite early as its really tiring standing up all day (hope someone is feeling sorry for me), weekends are where the fun begins. Ill take you through a few of the memorable ones and yes they always contain alcohol.
The first weekend here was pretty s*** to be honest, I was alone as everyone went back to Melbourne. Its only 2 hours away on a train. The following weekend I went back to Melbourne, to catch up with my friends from Home at the Mansion! Then I have pretty ,much stayed around here. Our first experience of Shepparton night life involved goon, followed by a visit to a few establishments. The Aussie hotel, is a pretty cool place. GV the nightclub is horrendous; a meat market doesn't come close. Had to leave early it was s***. Took like 10 years to get a cab wasn't impressed. Janna, Roisin and I go out in Shepparton every weekend that we are all here. Unfortunately, by the time I get out, I have little or no memory of the evening. Probably a good thing considering some of the things I have been told I have done. We usually all go out on the Friday night to a Chinese buffet - $2.00 wine. Made friends with a few of the girls behind the bar and when we asked for shots, they actually thought we were nuts and had no idea what to do. Ended up with 3 slippery nipples! Ha ha.
I've been to Melbourne with 2 girls from here. That was a totally wild night. Ended up not sleeping in the hostel and being refused to be served in 2 of the bars. That was fine though as Jaana handily carrys goon in her handbag so downed the water and filled glass with goon! ;) Happy days.
I've also been to Seymour, we hired a car and Roisin, Suzy and I went on a road trip (its an hour away). There was a food and wine festival on. As you can imagine, I totally loved it. Got sooo drunk (for a change). We were looking for a soldier boy as the army barracks are based there. No such luck, the nightclub was dire and scored a local boy who sounded like forest gump. The really funny thing is that he called his mum at 2.00am to pick him up. I was like wtf! Hilarious! To say I died the following day doesn't come close. Went to a few vineyards and couldn't either drink any wine. Passed out in the toilet instead! Classy girl or what!
I've been abandon by my partners in crime this weekend. As I write this, I am sat in the sun drinking a cider. I am not a alcoholic (I don't think so anyway). I'm here for a good time not a long time and I am certainly am having a good time. I have met some great people here and despite my moaning, time is passing quickly. 4 weeks left and ill start my adventure down the east coast for more fun and frolicking ;).
Lots of Love
Amy x x x
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