I say that I will be halfway through my trip by the time Katie posts a message :) so probably in about 3 weeks time......Warl? Any guesses?!
I would like to start a gambling game to guess how long it will be til Katie posts a message - despite having 8MEG BROADBAND (haven't we heard enough about it?!) Warl? Amy? (and anyone else who would like to play!) My guess is... 10 days. If she's reminded between then and now.
Bob + Nick
Are you editing our messages!
Yo bint face.
Think I'm going to Korea on Sunday now - it's all totally up in the air and confusing; I'm trying to get released from one contract because it's crap and get another one which is far better. But it is a public holiday today in Korea so I can't do anything, but I want to book a flight! For 5 days time!
However never fear as I have an excellent evening of leisure booked at Destiny's in Watford on Friday. Oh dear oh dear. R n B central, here we come! I'm trying to persuade Laura (Hughes, the birthday girl and reason we're going to Watford) that Aylesbury has it's highlights. And doesn't charge you £12 to get in.
S'later x
Cecily Kenyon
Just read your update of weekend activities. It all sounds fantastic
and so graphically described, can really imagine it all. Maddy got home safely from Sardinia yesterday, so that is a relief. Keep having fun. Love Cecily xx
Bob & Nick
Snitcha! And We thought our updates were boring...he he good to get a taste of our own medicine..
We are still dosin in stinkin Bolivia, soon to be Peru and have well and truly run out enthusiasm for our own blog.
Bruno! So you can use a message board eh?! We dont see any messages saying how much your missing us?!!!!!
Take care Snitch (and dirts slumin in your call centre) Were lookin forward to catching up with you when we are all back in the UK....whenever that may be.
Make the Most of it!
Hello everyone,
My what a busy message board, so many questions to answer!....
1) Ry everyone calls it KL, even important government type people, but it is an added bonus that it saves on the typing!
2) Dad - of course I am working hard (ask me anything you like about kidneys!) as this is not a holiday.....yet!!! Hope all is ok with you getting to Italy at the weekend.x x x
3) Warl - stop messing around on my site and get back to work and then i'll go and save some lives! Only joking, lovely to hear from you.x x x x
Wait, so is KL what all the 'cool' kids call Kuala Lumpur, or are you just a lazy typist?
Oh yeah, glad to see you're having fun as well!
Oi, Illsley, stop writing novels and go save some lives. students, I ask you.
hee hee, glad you are alright my sweet!! xx
Hey Hey guys,
Sounds very unfair!! The hospital sounds a little more basic here. I dont think they have heard of alcohol gel around here yet! Looking forward to doing some travelling but may have some problems getting signed off so may have to just do long weekends :(!
Any ways speak to you soon.
vicky xxx
p.s. nice picture of helen!!
Hi Babe, just got round to your site and messages as the meetings have all been at the start of the week. Mum's in a panic as there has been a security alert at London airports and they are all either closed or delayed whilst checking is done. Could be a problem on Staurday but there are always bars to wait in! Hope you are working hard as you are clearly not there to enjoy yourself!!!!! Have fun!
Hey, lovely to see messages from people, keep them coming! Helen and I are still on the internet, checking out prices of accommodation in other parts of Malaysia for when we set off on our travels in a couple of weeks, so organised!
Miss you all,
Amy x