Hi Amy & Heiki are you both well, you look well from your photos, hope you have a great bridge climb tommorow and the weather stays kind, we have booked our hols to see john and lynn cant wait going to Dubai New zealand then singapore so you will have to let us no where to go think we might give the clinic bar a miss ha ha, well have a great 21st birthday amy make sure you go out for a great meal no expence spared and send us lots of photos of your day we will be looking out for you on GMTV so try get to the front if you manage to get there. look forward to your next blog love to you both x x x
Mum & Dad (Jayne& Mark)
Hi there both of you. Can't believe you are now in Sydney, the new pics are great. Anyway here is a message for :
A certain someone
Who tomorrow will be 21
Dear Amy have a fantastic time
Especially when doing that Sydney Bridge climb!!
Congratulations Amy and have a great day tomorrow- wish we were there to celebrate with you.
Lots of love to you both,
Mum & Dad x x x x x x x x x
John & Lynn
Hi there you two
welcome to the southern hemesphere and to summer, bet its hot over there, it is here. sounds like your having a ball so far, hope your not spending your money to fast.Have you done Bondi beach yet or are you saving that for xmas day, aint it weird having xmas in summer.Heiki I hope your taking Amy out for a slap up meal for her birthday? Amy you have a wonderfull day on tuesday, im sure you will, and you both have brill xmas
all the best John.
hi guys
wow i cant believe your in oz it looks great, and your face is lit up like my xmas tree! keep your pics coming there fab. hope you r training 4 the bridge? i wouldnt want u aching!!!!. im doing jess hair on friday, so ill have a catch up with her. have a fab 21st Amy
lots of love jenna xxxxxxxxxxxx
Nick And Claire
Hi Guys You look to be having the best time ever! Just a quickie to say happy birthday Amy!! Have a good one and have a drink on us! Speak sonn xxxxxx
Tammy And Jamie
Hi Guys,
Sydney looks amazing...cant wait to cya's now!! Amy..did you have de ja vu from Magaluf beach when you bought the drinks at Raffles? Get yaself to a national park...you'l see kangaroos and koalas in the wild in abdunce-its mad!! Anyways, cya soon... Happy Birthday for Tues Amy, have a fab 21st-will try speak soon! xxx
Grandad And Janet
Hi Amy and Heiki How is it Down Under bet you enjoyd your Singapore Slings in the long bar. Love your photos,glad your having a great time We will be in NZ. in February pity we wont see you. Have a great Christmas and New Year. Bet it will be the best weather you have ever had at Christmas. Lots of Love Grandad and Janet.
Mum, Dad (Janet & Toivo)
Hiya you 2
Hope you had a trouble free, but exciting journey to Sydney.
Your travels so far have given you an amazing adventure and experience of another country with many wonderful memeories which you will never forget, may this continue in OZ as I am sure it will.
Look forward to seeing you on GMTV next week ( we can but hope!)
Amy have a brilliant 21st, I'm sure Heiki will make sure you do.
Speak soon, All our love to you both x x x x x x x x
Anne & David
Hi Amy and Heiki
What a fabulous time you are having. Your photographs are amazing. Do you think we are too old to have a "gap year"? Probably. Anyway, have a lovely 21st birthday and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mum, Dad & Jess
Oops, forgot to say, rememberr to watch out for GMTV in Sydney next Thursday, the 20th. They will be at Mrs Macquaries Chair (some famous place in Sydney?) LIVE 1700-2025 local time. We will all be watching out for you- haha.
x x x x x x x x x x x
Mum, Dad & Jess
Hey there.
Well the first part of you travels has come to an end and today you set off to Sydney! How lucky you both are, spending xmas & new year there - and of course, Amy's 21st next week. Wish we were there with you.
Carry on having fun, love to you both.x x x x x x x x x
Jen N Tiff
hi hun ,
so your on ya way 2 Oz!!! how fab. you both look settled now (set of jips) only joking. sounds like your keeping yourselfs busy? all theses shows n shopping trips cant be bad, r u lookin 4ward 2 having your 21ST IN OZ!!!!!!!!!!!! im excited 4 u! were both missin u like mad and hope 2 speak over xmas lv ya both jenna n tiff xxxxxx