Hello Amelia,
Dont faint,its your cousin and my better half here!Just checked out your excellent website and it looks like you are having a fantastic time.We are very jealous although you cant beat houghton regis for amazing views and wildlife!
Hope you are both well and look forward to your next update,look after yourselves,
love Toby, Rachel,Jacob and Katie
Uncle Ian
Hi Amelia, I have just found your website. Good to see youare still enjoying yourselves. Nobody seems to have told you that you are an Auntie again. Helen had a bady girl Isobel Rose. I am sure your Mum or Aunty Joan will give you all the details. Have a great time - Keep Away from Big Waves!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Lorraine
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy 36th birthday Lorraine. Hope you get lots of nice surprises.
Love Li xxxxxxx
Hi Girls...Happy Easter! xxx
Checked out all your photos, looks like you're having a wicked time! The sun has been out here on a few occasions, the signs that spring is on its way. AT LAST!
Went to Newquay at the weekend to see my family, was nice to be by the sea.
Going to Caddington for Easter...your mum and Allan are going to Norfolk.
Thank you for my face pack, I actually used it last night, skin felt lovely after...
Anyway enjoy yourselves and keep us updated!
Lots of love x
Great photos girlies. Seem to be lots of intoxication going on down under. Well at least youre having fun and catching some sun rays by the looks of your skin.
I have nothing to add - no glaciers/waterfalls/sunshine or even giant balls in London to match up to Oz/NZ.
Love the site and photos
Il call you soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Easter to you all in sunny Melbourne. I hear its big business over there so dont go too mad with the chocolate eggs! Who is doing the Easter Egg hunt out there? Glad to hear you are all keeping well and managing to find some work. Not sure if the streets of St Kilda will ever be the same after your spell of massaging! Dont forget to update your postcard of NZ - we want to hear all about it. Be good. Lots of love x
Hi Girls! Just checked out all your new photos - they all look very drunken! As your time is passing your photos seem to be less of the sights and more of nights outs - my kinda thinking! Anyway, hope you are well. I am so glad you got to meet up with my sister, although I was a bit gutted as I haven't seen her in ages. Things are samey over here for me, but can't complain really. Keep me posted ladies xxx
Jade Cowell (6)
To Amelia, I wonder when you are coming back to England.
I would like to see you again as it has been a long time since I saw you at my party. Love Jade and William. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jane & Phil Cowell
Hi Amelia,
Just checked out your photos for the first time.You are soooooooooo lucky it looks to us like you are having a fantastic trip.You are looking very well, unlike us pale lot coping with the cold British winter. All is ok here no exciting news. Enjoy yourselves.When do you get home ? Take care ,Luv Jane,Phil,Lucy & Sam xxxxxx
Mum/sue C
Just seen all the new photos which are brilliant. Loved the dressing up ones from Sydney - oriental suits you both! No postcard yet though so how about it? We've been waiting a long while since the last one. Sounds like you are enjoying the Grand Prix and hope you get to meet up with Jim. Good luck with the job-hunting - you knew it would come at some stage and fingers crossed you will get something soon. Glad you enjoyed the film Grease out in the open, and think of us sometimes in cold, snowy GB. Lots of love
Hiya! It's been a month since we've had an updated message from you. What are you up to? Where have you been? What have you seen? Where are youuuuuuuuuuuu?!!! Take care! H.x.
Katie Smith
hi amelia loved the pics of n.z.,butdidnt spot orlando bloom. good luck job and flat hunting. ive sent u an e mailbut not sure if if sent properly. love katie xxx