Here you go People THE UPDATE!
Well since El Calafate we have flown to Buenos Aires - FIRST CLASS. yep not sure how we managed that but somehow got put in there, may have looked a bit out of place in board shorts and flip flops but still a result.
BA was amazing! we have got up to all sorts. first thing (and most important) was heading to see the Football. Went to see River Plate play which was the Craziest atmosphere ive ever seen at any game. Wouldnt say it was a classic but everyone left happy after River won 1 nil. We have done lots of touristy bits and fair to say we are pretty well versed on Evita now. We have also been horse racing (i wont bore you with that - dad il send you an email) and went to see a brilliant bongo band. Their gigs are in this old warehouse and they pack thousands in then everyone just starts dancing. Aly and Myself of course showed off some classic moves. On that theme we have also been to a tango show. As well as the show you also get a 3 course meal (steak of course - its all about steak here) and a free tango class. Bit apprehensive about this but ended up loving it (yes i think ive changed) we had very good teachers and aly is pretty sure shes semi pro level.
Left BA and headed across the Rio del Plata by Ferry to Urugauy. We stayed in Colonial de sacremiento which is a little quiet town, cobbled streets, all very different after BA but a nice change.
Now just arrived in Montevideo - its down to 21c and aly is a bit chilly so off round the coast tomorrow as there are supposed to be some nice beaches and back up to 29c on sat.
more updates and photos soon
love to all
see you in 6 weeks
Aly and John
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