glad your having a great time, sounds fab. i would love to visit new york, maybe next year!
love Sara
Ollie And Lisa
Hi Guys,
Alison make sure Tony takes in plenty of culture and doesn't spend all his time eating, drinking and betting. Hehe!
Hope you are really enjoying yourselves as much as it sounds.
Hope your fanny is feeling better Tony!
From Ollie&Lisa
Ness & Olivia
Hey guys. Sounds like you have really adapted to your new way of life! See, what was all the stress about? Glad you are having a fantastic time, I am very jealous but Jeff Stelling and Matt Le Tiss are keeping me company this afternoon!!! Due to the rubbish England performance during the week, I am jumping on the rugby bandwagon tonight! We are doing ok here, looking for somewhere to rent now, and not long til Kris is back. Anyway, keep those blogs going as its great to know where you are and what youre up to. Take care and keep safe. Happy travels Ness & Liv xxxxxxxxx
Heard the fabulous news? The Drog wants to leave Chelsea, official. I'll get your Mum to order your Man United shirt in time for Christmas. The England v Russia match was a farce. I mean Astroturf, honestly. Roman the Mafia boss was in the stand beaming that vacant smile of his. I'll probably vanish after posting this message. Have nice lives...
What fun you are having. Very jealous. You've been in the US over a week now so I guess the portion sizes are starting to look ok! Enjoy
Anne Martin
Hi guys!
Its been good hearing about your trip glad you seem like your having fun! New York sounded cool Im still nagging adam to go!! Keep us all updated, take care xxxx
Kate Murphy
Hi guys....Hope your enjoying your excellent adventure and NYC is eveything you hoped it would be...that is one big apple Tony dont try eating it whole!
Looking forward to hearing your stories...take care lots of love kate XXX
Hey Ali and Tony!
Good to hear you're having a great time already! I've played with the toys in toys-r-us in Times Square too - great fun!! Can't wait until you get to NZ - when do you arrive? S x x
Well kid's you are gone, we miss you so much already, but you must enjoy every minute of it, snd so far sounds like you are, which is fab, diz is finding it tough, so reading you blogs cheers us all up although makes us cry as always look after each other have fun and take care lots love xxxxxxx
Alice (Stinky Pete)
hi you two how are you? please can you phone me on my mobile because i want to know what you have been up to in NYC BYE
Ads And Anne
Hi Guys,
I meant to phone you on the Thursday before you left, poor form I know. I expect you're soaking up all the Big Apple has to offer, I told you it was amazing. Just remember my tip, put on a Yank accent when ordering a dollar hotdog, otherwise they try to double the price. Swines.
Well, keep the blog updated and make sure the photos keep trickling in so we can all get itchy feet and want to join you. Take it easy
Maggie Seacombe
Hi Ali and Tony. Loved reading your blog and also your photos. Can't wait for the rest. As your Mum said, look after one another and be careful. My forthcoming retirement to Spain looks very tame in comparison, but am very envious. Will keep tuning in to see where you are. We're thinking of going to Vegas in 2009 and renewing our vows with Elvis - how tacky is that? Much love Maggie