Alice in Wonderland....literally!! you can see from the photo, we had a fancy dress party the other night. Was a superhero theme...I was originally bat are far too bad to put on the you can just be lucky enouh to see what the face make-up looked like. Batty apparently according to Shell!!
Haven't really been doing all that much of great travelling interest....just chilling before I come home and have to find a job!! Am heading down the coast tomorrow to Surfer's Paradise to watch Conrad perform in a show for Wella. I'm also going as the official photographer for the!! what a joke...but get to watch Con perform which will be good. Its been really ncie staying with the Sewell's for the time I'm in Brisbane...good relaxation after lugging the bloody back-pack around for the past however many months. Am flying to Bangkok on Thrusday for some last minute any requests, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Lots of Love to everyone, and thanks again for being so great with e-mailing, keeping in contact with everyone has been fab. Unitl next time....Al xx xx.
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