Sorry I couldn't get to the station in time. By the time I parked, I had a long way to run to the station at Neath. Still I managed to see you as the train pulled out.
Have a good time.
Hey, it's me!
Just to say that if any one fancies leaving me a FREE voicemail when I'm away, follow these easy steps...
Dial: 0800 731 5664, then press * then 2. Then enter 7004 002 793 204 and leave me a message!
Cool! Two days to go...eekkk!!
Take care, Alice xx
Cousin Kaye
Not sure I like the bit about Sainsbury's and 40 - only 6 years for me Alice!! Anyway, can't wait to follow you around the world! Enjoy every experience and stay safe!! Love your big cousin xx
Hey Alice!
It all looks very exciting, I bet you can't wait!! It'll be weird not seeing you for ages, if I get bored in the UK I may come and find you on your travels!
Hope you have fun, frolics and fancies (oh, and men of course!), keep us all updated with your progress.
Loads of love and hugs