Hey hey girls! Hows it all going? Looks absolutley amazing and I am extremely jealous already...think you're gonna inspire me with the travelling bug! Keep the updates and photos coming...I love hearing how you're all getting on. Please give Miranda and Jenny lots of hugs and kisses from me and send them my love and best wishes. Was so upset I didnt get to see you all before you left. Thinking of you all, please keep in contact.....lots and lots of love Selina xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey sarah and family,
The mood seems to have picked up now we've got to LA, everyone has been saying that we'll hate it here coz its so rough but we seem to be in a really nice hostel in a really nice bit of Santa Monica so more fool them. Cant say I envy any of you with your work stuff and lectures. boring boring boring. Must admit though, travelling can be well tiring. We havnt really stopped and got another 10 and a half hours on the plane to look forward to on Friday. have met the most wicked girl from Ireland though, I'll tell you her story when I write my next post coz I've gotta hop on to our city tour now...what a hard life.
love you all, byeeeee
Hey Dude!,
well i am sitting in the library at uni, trying to do the most boring assignment ever, so trust me i couldnt be more jealous of u if i tried!! only just logged on your site and it was a welcome distraction, pics look great!! thanks for your texts the other day aswell.
I cant even begin to tell you how much I wish I was there with you, missing you so much, the summer is going to be rubbish without u! Looking forward to all the updates of where you are and what your doing, this is a great idea, will defo have to do something similar (if i ever finish uni!!) when i go next yr!!
Will defo stay in contact dude, hope to hear from you soon,
stay safe, lots of love,
Sarah x x x
Sorry Al I meant 4 wins to get if we beat Fulham Love Dadxxxxx
Hi Al
The pics look great. Should I save them on our pc aswell?
Some are on their side, can you turn them in the camera before downloading?
How was the bus ride, I suppose it was a bit too long..almost as long as the flight.
Just found out I will have to go to Moscow for a presentation so I could do with some
cold weather clothing just as you are dumping yours.
Mourinho got voted best coach in the world today from the footy statiticians (is that how to spell it?)
based on points gained and cups won. We are at Fulham away this weekend and Biridgey can't play against us.
If we win it will be only five more wins to get.
Great to keep in touch with you this way I feel like I'm on the trip as well.....Love Dadxxxxx
Hello darling. Don't think we have spoken this much in ages. Did you mention ritzy shops? Please send me a detailed map and air ticket immediately.
Hope its a bit warmer in LA, can't be any colder than here, I got snowed on at lunchtime in Kingston, brrrrrr!!
I think you may have to change this site fairly soon as there are some right weirdos writing in. Who the hell is flapjack??
Thought you might like to know that having been made redundant on Monday I have just been reinstated in my existing job, Surrey really know how to wind their staff up!
Safe journey to LA, are you going down the Pacific Highway, and if so hope you see more than we did last time. This will be about the only time I can say this until you reach Singapore as I haven't been to all your other destinations.
Lots of love to all you California Girls, Mum.
Oi wise crack!
Thanks for finally entering the world of cyber space, fascinating isnt it. Not much going on really, we're all a bit sick of San francisco coz we've done everything that we can afford and now have resorted to a lot of magazine reading and ipod listening. Will update you on any more comic scenarios. Bought you some cool sweets but they will probably go mouldy in my back pack!!
hey ali. just got word of this wonderful site. Still getting used to this 'internet' thing as you young'ns call it....
glad everything is going ok. not much else to say - i'm broke, but whats new about that lol
don't get terrorised or married out there, ok? or i'll cut you off like i did with lucy!
miranda that cheese on a muffin is pretty self-explanatory (isn't it?)
any other funny things go down, i'll be here to laugh at you. As always.
Have fun
love you
hi mum,
Using this message board more than I thought, the computers are only round the corner so its really easy to get online. Not so easy to put my photos on though. miranda had to burn hers to CD and is now at an internet cafe trying to upload them. Think I'll wait til my memory card gets more full up. Me and jenny just walked for hours round San francisco, its like an entirely different city to what we saw on holiday, I think we didnt explore that much. Ended up in a rather ritzy bit of down where all the big commercial buildings and offices and flash hotels are. then went to experience a real american sports bar but it was quite a weird experience. Not looking forward to 8 hours on a mini bus in the morning xxx
Hi Darling
Have just read your message and sounds, between the rain and cold, like you are already having a good time. Glad you were brave enough to cross to Alcatraz, I regret not doing that last time. I really fancy pizza now, but we've got boring lamb stew! Will write again soon, love to you and the girls. Mum
just posted another postcard for you all, I'm still having a good time-shame about the weather though. Didnt realise we had quite so long here so I think it will be nice to move on. its a good city but we've seen most of the touristy things and we did it all a few years ago anyway. the girls are all fine, missing their boyfriends quite a bit but fine apart from that. Will give you a ring when we reach LA and hopefully speak to everyone then. Its hard to time it right coz we're so far behind on time. Anyway, speak to you in a day or two xxx
Hey Al,
Sorry I didn't get to speak to you on Sunday, I passed to Dad but he hung up before we could speak :(
I will send you a hotmail, if you are still check there, so that we can speak properly.