Glad to hear youre having fun!! im afraid i cant really be bummed to send you any typos... think i did enough of that with your project! anyway i hope you keep on having a wickid time, thanks for saying bye, by the way!!! Just job hunting at the mo, leave cardiff on Tuesday will be sad. oh yeah and im single again hooray!!
keep in touch xx
Ali's Mum
Heff-he did-I knew-Mums always do- bet yours knows as well
Paul (Tysk)
Ali, just read your first two entries - you know you're the only loser who would be sad enough to list other peoples typos (e.g., John Pearce's text book - twice!!). Very envious of your city experiences, you paint a v different and more appealing picture of NY than most Brits who head there, i.e. the ones who spend all day every day hunting out the newest, crappest Timberland boots - you know the ones!
I'm off 10th Aug on my travels so will be in touch.
How much are STA paying you for this shining endorsement?!
Ali - when are you going to come out to your said you would before you went off to New York
Heff - I told you we needed to wait for the appropriate moment! my parents aren't as liberal as yours, you great big puff!
Particularly liked the photos of the Police-sponsored graffiti and the glamourous (older?) roller skater with the balletic stance.
Don't see much of either of those things in Bramdean!
We're waiting to hear about all your adventures or perhaps it's just hard work so far.
Have a great time!! Say hello to New York for me! xx